

Hung-Jui Guo


Contact Info.

資訊系 / 資訊所 / AI學程

  資訊系館新大樓12F 65C11

  06-2757575 ext 62563



      (資訊系館新大樓5F 65508)

  Personal Website


Research Interests

擴增實境(Augmented Reality)、虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)、混合實境(Mixed Reality)、人機互動(Human-computer Interaction)、機器學習(Machine Learning)、電腦視覺(Computer Vision)

School Record

美國 \ 德州大學達拉斯分校 \ 軟體工程學系 \ 博士(2019.08 ~ 2024.08)

台灣 \ 國立中正大學 \ 資訊工程學系 \ 碩士(2016.09 ~ 2018.07)

台灣 \ 國立中正大學 \ 資訊工程學系 \ 學士(2012.09 ~ 2016.06)


台灣 \ 國立臺灣師範大學 \ 博士後研究員 (2024.09 ~ 2024.12)


Refered Papers

- O. E. Ashtiani, H.-J. Guo, B. Prabhakaran, “Impact of motion cues, color, and luminance on depth perception in optical see-through AR displays,” Frontiers in Virtual Reality

- H.-J. Guo, J. Z. Bakdash, L. R. Marusich, B. Prabhakaran, “Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality Measurement Under Different Environments: A Survey on Head-Mounted Devices”, IEEE TIM

Conference Papers

International Conference

H.-J. Guo, H. G. Kumar, Minhas Kamal, B. Prabhakaran, “Room2XR: Virtual Interactive Collaboration in Real-world Scenes”, ACM Multimedia 2024, Open Source Software Competition

H.-J. Guo, B. Prabhakaran, “Improved Standard-Based Motion Parallax Measurement in Mixed Reality”, IEEE MIPR 2024

- B. Prabhakaran, H.-J. Guo, “HoloLens 2 Technical Evaluation as Mixed Reality Guide,” HCI International 2024.

- H.-J. Guo, J. Z. Bakdash, L. R. Marusich, B. Prabhakaran, “User Evaluation of Dynamic X-Ray Vision in Mixed Reality”, IEEE VR 2023

- H.-J. Guo, J. Z. Bakdash, L. R. Marusich, B. Prabhakaran, “Dynamic X-Ray Vision in Mixed Reality”, ACM VRST 2022

- Y.-Y Chung, H.-J. Guo, H. G. Kumar, B. Prabhakaran, “High-quality First-person Rendering Mixed Reality Gaming System for In Home Setting,” 2020 AIVR

- W.-T. Chu and H.-J. Guo, “Movie genre classification based on poster images with deep neural networks,” MUSA, 2017 (in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2017)