資訊系 / 製造所
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智慧型製造系統、智慧製造、E化製造 (工業4.0)、半導體生產自動化、虛擬量測、預測保養
美國 \ 俄亥俄州立大學 \ 電機工程 \ 博士(1987 ~ 1989)
美國 \ 俄亥俄州立大學 \ 電機工程 \ 碩士(1980 ~ 1982)
中華民國 \ 國立成功大學 \ 電機工程 \ 學士(1972 ~ 1976)
IEEE \ \ Life Fellow (2021 ~ now)
國立成功大學 \ 智慧製造研究中心 \ 中心主任 (2018 ~ now)
國立成功大學 \ 製造資訊與系統研究所 \ 講座教授 (2009 ~ now)
國立成功大學 \ E化製造研究中心 \ 主任 (2008 ~ now)
Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering \ \ Senior Editor (2017 ~ 2022)
中華民國自動化科技學會 \ \ 第11、12屆理事長 (2016 ~ 2020)
IEEE \ \ Fellow (2008 ~ 2020)
行政院國家科學委員會 \ 工程處自動化學門 \ 召集人 (2006 ~ 2009)
國立成功大學 \ 製造工程研究所 \ 特聘教授 (2003 ~ 2008)
IEEE \ Transactions on Robotics and Automation \ Associate Editor (2000 ~ 2004)
國立成功大學 \ 製造工程研究所 \ 教授兼所長 (1998 ~ 2001)
國立成功大學 \ 製造工程研究所 \ 教授 (1997 ~ 2003)
國立成功大學 \ 製造工程研究所 \ 副教授 (1995 ~ 1997)
中山科學研究院 \ 電子研究所 \ 簡聘技監研究員 (1994 ~ 1995)
中山科學研究院 \ 電子研究所 \ 計畫室主任 (1990 ~ 1995)
國立成功大學 \ 電機工程研究所 \ 兼任副教授 (1989 ~ 1995)
中山科學研究院 \ 電子研究所 \ 簡聘技正副研究員 (1986 ~ 1991)
中山科學研究院 \ 電子研究所 \ 助理研究員 (1982 ~ 1986)
中山科學研究院 \ 電子研究所 \ 研究助理 (1976 ~ 1982)
(A) | 機台維修系統與方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 高永洲、楊浩青、鄭芳田 | I662440 | 2019.06.11~2038.03.22 |
(A) | 考慮機台交互作用之辨識良率損失原因的系統與方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 林晉逸、謝昱銘、鄭芳田 | I660322 | 2019.05.21~2038.11.14 |
(A) | 刀具磨耗監測與預測方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 楊浩青、鄭芳田 | I640390 | 2018.11.11~2038.03.22 |
(A) | 在製品產出時程的推估方法與其電腦程式產品 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 楊浩青、趙千億、鄭芳田 | I604392 | 2017.11.01~2032.06.21 |
(A) | 製程參數的搜尋與分析方法及其電腦程式產品 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學及先知科技 | 高季安、鄭志玄、吳偉民、鄭芳田 | I549007 | 2016.09.11-2033.02.06 |
(A) | 具取樣率決定機制的量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、陳俊方、呂兆榮、謝曜聲 | I539298 | 2016.06.21~2035.05.26 |
(A) | 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、陳俊方、黃暄恆、吳竺潔 | I521360 | 2016.02.11~2034.03.25 |
(A) | 工具機之加工品質的預測方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 楊浩青、丁顥、洪敏雄、鄭芳田 | I481978 | 2015.04.21~2033.10.31 |
(A) | 用以組成光源組之點光源的料碼配量方法與其電腦程式產品 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 楊浩青、陳宏尉、鄭芳田 | I463477 | 2014.12.01~2032.12.25 |
(A) | 標的裝置的基底預測保養方法與其電腦程式產品 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、謝曜聲、王崇任、王聖齊 | I463334 | 2014.12.01~2032.07.19 |
(A) | 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、吳偉民 | I451336 | 2014.09.01~2031.12.19 |
(A) | 使用具有信心指標之虛擬量測的先進製程控制系統與方法及其電腦程式產品 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學及先知科技 | 鄭芳田、高季安、吳偉民 | I427722 | 2014.02.21~2031.07.25 |
(A) | 具有虛擬量測功能的製造執行系統與製造系統 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、高季安、黃憲成、張永政 | I412906 | 2013.10.21~2030.04.12 |
(A) | 偵測產品品質超規與評估產品實際量測值的方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、黃宜婷、張富建 | I400619 | 2013.07.01-2028.11.25 |
(A) | 虛擬生產管制系統與方法及其電腦程式產品 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 陳盈良、楊浩青、鄭芳田 | I394089 | 2013.04.21-2029.08.10 |
(A) | 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、黃憲成、黃宜婷、簡嘉懋 | I349867 | 2011.10.01-2028.05.19 |
(A) | 雙階段虛擬量測方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、黃憲成、高季安 | I338916 | 2011.03.11-2027.06.07 |
(A) | 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、陳業統、蘇育全 | I315054 | 2009.09.21-2026.05.09 |
(A) | 計算機效能評估器與其應用方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、吳尚倫、鍾昀達 | I292091 | 2008.01.01-2025.02.23 |
(A) | 應用通用型嵌入式裝置之生產製程的品質預測系統與方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、蘇育全、林嶸銓 | I269990 | 2007.01.01-2025.02.03 |
(A) | 生產製程之品質預測系統與方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、蘇育全、黃國偉、洪敏雄 | I267012 | 2006.11.21-2024.06.02 |
(A) | 應用通用型嵌入式裝置的預測保養系統 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、蘇育全、黃憲成、李財寶 | I265437 | 2006.11.01-2024.06.02 |
(A) | 量測方法、虛擬量測系統以及電腦可讀取媒體 | 中華民國 | 台積電 | 張永政、傅學士、王英郎、鄭芳田 | I338910 | 2006.10.16-2026.10.16 |
(A) | 通用型軟體測試系統與方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、王慶輝、蘇育全、吳尚倫 | I262383 | 2006.09.21-2023.01.09 |
(A) | 提供具容錯能力之應用程式叢集服務的方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、吳尚倫、蔡秉諺 | I235299 | 2005.06.21-2024.04.21 |
(A) | 機台監控方法 | 中華民國 | 國科會 | 鄭芳田、鄧俊彥 | I233141 | 2005.05.21-2021.12.25 |
(A) | 可擷取和傳送客製化應用之資訊的通用型嵌入式裝置與方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、黃國偉、陳俊宏、洪敏雄 | I225606 | 2004.12.21-2023.05.12 |
(A) | 通用型服務管理系統 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、楊浩青、蔡佳縈 | I196122 | 2004.01.21-2022.01.10 |
(A) | 自發性的通用型遙控系統與機制 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 楊攸中、鄭芳田 | I193295 | 2003.12.21-2022.06.09 |
(A) | 生產機台組件的預測保養方法與其電腦程式產品 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 林晉逸、謝昱銘、鄭芳田、黃憲成 | I708197 | 109.10.21~128.04.25 |
(A) | 雲製造服務的自動建置方法、電腦程式產品、雲製造系統 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 陳朝鈞、洪敏雄、李柏儀、林祐全、劉育瑒、李珮甄、鄭芳田 | I670672 | 108.09.01~127.03.21 |
(A) | 辨識良率損失之根本原因的系統與方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、謝曜聲、鄭景文 | I623830 | 107.05.11~125.11.01 |
(A) | 大量客製化產品的品質預測方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 陳俊方、丁顥、鄭芳田、楊浩青 | I614699 | 107.02.11~125.12.29 |
(A) | Interaction-Effect Search Algorithm for the KSA Scheme | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Chin-Yi Lin, Yu-Ming Hsieh, Fan-Tien Cheng | Pending (16/219,970) | 申請日:2018.12.14 |
(A) | Interaction-Effect Search Algorithm for the KSA Scheme | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Chin-Yi Lin, Yu-Ming Hsieh, Fan-Tien Cheng | Pending (62/672,591) | 申請日:2018.05.17 |
(A) | System and Method for Machine Tool Maintenance and Repair | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Yung-Chou Kao, Haw-Ching Yang, Fan-Tien Cheng | Pending (15/933,379) | 申請日:2018.03.23 |
(A) | 雲製造服務的自動建置方法、電腦程式產品、雲製造系統 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 陳朝鈞、洪敏雄、李柏儀、林祐全、劉育瑒、李珮甄、鄭芳田 | 審查中 | 申請日:2018.03.22 |
(A) | Automated Constructing Method of Cloud Manufacturing Service and Cloud Manufacturing System | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Chao-Chun Chen, Min-Hsiung Hung, Po-Yi Li, Yu-Chuan Lin, Yu-Yang Liu, Pei-Chen Lee, Fan-Tien Cheng | Pending (15/928,104) | 申請日:2018.03.22 |
(A) | Smart Manufacturing System for Machinery Industry | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Haw-Ching Yang, Hsien-Cheng Huang, Yu-Chuan Lin | Pending (62/475,889) | 申請日:2017.03.24 |
(A) | 多樣式產品的品質推估方法 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 陳俊方、丁顥、鄭芳田、楊浩青 | 審查中 (201611261952.4) | 申請日:2016.12.30 |
(A) | System and Method for Identifying Root Causes of Yield Loss | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Yao-Sheng Hsieh, Jing-Wen Zheng | Pending (15/260,343) | 申請日:2016.09.09 |
(A) | Metrology Sampling Method with Sampling Rate Decision Scheme and Computer Program Product Thereof | AT | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Chun-Fang Chen, Jhao-Rong Lyu, Yao-Sheng Hsieh | Pending (A50480/2016) | 申請日:2016.05.27 |
(A) | Metrology Sampling Method with Sampling Rate Decision Scheme and Computer Program Product Thereof | KOR | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Chun-Fang Chen, Jhao-Rong Lyu, Yao-Sheng Hsieh | Pending (10-2016-0065111) | 申請日:2016.05.26 |
(A) | 具取樣率決定機制的量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、陳俊方、呂兆榮、謝曜聲 | 審查中 (201510655775.7) | 申請日:2015.10.12 |
(A) | Method for Forecasting Work-in-Process Output Schedule and Computer Program Product Thereof | USA | Natonal Cheng Kung University | Haw-Ching Yang, Chien-Yi Chao, Fan-Tien Cheng | Pending (13/561,096) | 申請日:2012.07.30 |
(A) | Tool Wear Monitoring and Predicting Method | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Haw-Ching Yang, Fan-Tien Cheng | 10,695,884 B2 | 2018.03.23~2038.07.11 (獲證日:2020.06.30) |
(A) | 機台維修系統與方法 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 高永洲、楊浩青、鄭芳田 | 第3840559號 | 2018.03.23~2038.03.23 (獲證日:2020.06.16) |
(A) | 刀具磨耗監測與預測方法 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 楊浩青、鄭芳田 | 第3810797號 | 2018.03.23~2038.03.23 (獲證日:2020.05.22) |
(A) | Product Quality Prediction Method for Mass Customization | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Chun-Fang Chen, Hao Tieng, Fan-Tien Cheng, Haw-Ching Yang | 10,345,794 B2 | 2017.10.26~ 2038.03.07 (獲證日:2019.07.09) |
(A) | System and Method for Identifying Root Causes of Yield Loss | KOR | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Yao-Sheng Hsieh, Jing-Wen Zheng | 10-2003961 | 2017.06.19~2037.06.19 (核准日:2019.07.19) |
(A) | Metrology Sampling Method with Sampling Rate Decision Scheme and Computer Program Product Thereof | KOR | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Chun-Fang Chen, Jhao-Rong Lyu, Yao-Sheng Hsieh | 10-1930420 | 2016.05.26~2036.05.26 (獲證日:2018.12.12) |
(A) | Metrology Sampling Method with Sampling Rate Decision Scheme and Computer Program Product Thereof | JPN | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Chun-Fang Chen, Jhao-Rong Lyu, Yao-Sheng Hsieh | 特許第6285494號 | 2016.05.26~2036.05.26 (獲證日:2018.02.09) |
(A) | Metrology Sampling Method with Sampling Rate Decision Scheme and Computer Program Product Thereof | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Chun-Fang Chen, Jhao-Rong Lyu, Yao-Sheng Hsieh | 10,269,660 B2 | 2016.05.19~2037.04.08 (獲證日:2019.04.23) |
(A) | 辨識良率損失之根本原因的系統與方法 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、謝曜聲、鄭景文 | 第3405221號 | 2016.05.19~2037.04.08 (獲證日:2019.04.23) |
(A) | Metrology Sampling Method with Sampling Rate Decision Scheme and Computer Program Product Thereof | DE | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Chun-Fang Chen, Jhao-Rong Lyu, Yao-Sheng Hsieh | 102016109232 | 2016.05.19~2036.05.19 (獲證日:2018.03.29) |
(A) | 具取樣率決定機制的量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、陳俊方、呂兆榮、謝曜聲 | 第3092894號 | 2015.10.12~2035.10.12 (獲證日:2018.09.28) |
(A) | Metrology Sampling Method and Computer Program Product Thereof | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Chun-Fang Chen, Hsuan-Heng Huang, Chu-Chieh Wu | 9,829,415 B2 | 2015.03.24~2036.04.01 (獲證日:2017.11.28) |
(A) | 量測抽樣方法 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、陳俊方、黃暄恆、吳竺潔 | 第2822926號 | 2014.05.09~2034.05.09 (獲證日:2018.01.04) |
(A) | 工具機之加工品質的預測方法 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 楊浩青、丁顥、洪敏雄、鄭芳田 | 第2625066號 | 2013.11.21~2033.11.21 (獲證日:2017.09.29) |
(A) | Method for Predicting Machine Quality of Machine Tool | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Haw-Ching Yang, Hao Tieng, Min-Hsiung Hung, Fan-Tien Cheng | 9,508,042 B2 | 2013.11.01~ 2034.07.07 (獲證日:2016.11.29) |
(A) | Method for Predicting Machine Quality of Machine Tool | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Haw-Ching Yang, Hao Tieng, Min-Hsiung Hung, Fan-Tien Cheng | 9,508,042 B2 | 2013.11.01-2034.07.07 |
(A) | Baseline Predictive Maintenance Method for Target Device and Computer Program Product Thereof | JPN | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Yao-Sheng Hsieh, Chung-Ren Wang, Saint-Chi Wang | 特許第5643387號 | 2013.06.14~2033.06.14 |
(A) | Baseline Predictive Maintenance Method for Target Device and Computer Program Product Thereof | KOR | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Yao-Sheng Hsieh, Chung-Ren Wang, Saint-Chi Wang | 10-1518448 | 2013.05.29~2033.05.29 |
(A) | 標的裝置的基底預測保養方法 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、謝曜聲、王崇任、王聖齊 | 第2608456號 | 2013.05.16~2033.05.16 (獲證日:2017.06.29) |
(A) | 用以組成光源組之點光源的料碼配量方法 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 楊浩青、陳宏尉、鄭芳田 | 第2157389號 | 2013.05.16~2033.05.16 |
(A) | Baseline Predictive Maintenance Method for Target Device and Computer Program Product Thereof | Europe | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Yao-Sheng Hsieh, Chung-Ren Wang, Saint-Chi Wang | 2687935 | 2013.05.16~ 2033.05.16 (獲證日:2020.03.25) |
(A) | Baseline Predictive Maintenance Method for Target Device and Computer Program Product Thereof | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Yao-Sheng Hsieh, Chung-Ren Wang, Saint-Chi Wang | 10,242,319 B2 | 2013.03.18~2037.01.03 (獲證日:2019.03.26) |
(A) | Method for Screening Samples for Building Prediction Model and Computer Program Product Thereof | KOR | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng and Wei-Min Wu | 10-1440304 | 2012.12.11~2032.12.11 |
(A) | Method for Screening Samples for Building Prediction Model and Computer Program Product Thereof | JPN | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng and Wei-Min Wu | 特許第5515125號 | 2012.12.04~2032.12.10 |
(A) | 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、吳偉民 | 第2117690號 | 2012.11.13~ 2032.11.13 |
(A) | Method for Screening Samples for Building Prediction Model and Computer Program Product Thereof | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng and Wei-Min Wu | 8,862,525 B2 | 2012.11.02~2032.11.02 |
(A) | System and Method for Automatic Virtual Metrology | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Hsien-Cheng Huang, Yi-Ting Huang, Jia-Mau Jian | 8,095,484 B2 | 2012.01.10-2032.01.10 |
(A) | Advanced Process Control System and Method Utilizing Virtual Metrology with Reliance Index | JPN | Natonal Cheng Kung University & Foresight Technology Company, Ltd. | Fan-Tien Cheng, Chi-An Kao, Wei-Min Wu | 特許第5292602號 | 2011.08.01~2031.08.01 |
(A) | 使用具有信心指標之虛擬量測的先進製程控制系統與方法及其電腦程式產品 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學&先知 | 鄭芳田、高季安、吳偉民 | 第1205265號 | 2011.08.01-2031.08.01 |
(A) | Advanced Process Control System and Method Utilizing Virtual Metrology with Reliance Index | KOR | Natonal Cheng Kung University & Foresight Technology Company, Ltd. | Fan-Tien Cheng, Chi-An Kao, Wei-Min Wu | 10-1335896 | 2011.08.01-2031.08.01 |
(A) | Advanced Process Control System and Method Utilizing Virtual Metrology with Reliance Index | USA | Natonal Cheng Kung University & Foresight Technology Company, Ltd. | Fan-Tien Cheng, Chi-An Kao, Wei-Min Wu | 8,688,256 B2 | 2011.07.29~2032.07.24 |
(A) | Manufacturing Execution System with Virtual-Metrology Capabilities and Manufacturing System including the Same | USA | Natonal Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Chi-An Kao, Hsien-Cheng Huang, Yung-Cheng Chang | 8,983,644 | 2010.05.20~2030.05.20 |
(A) | 具有虛擬量測功能的製造執行系統與製造系統 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、高季安、黃憲成、張永政 | 第1464514號 | 2010.05.19~2030.05.18 |
(A) | Dual-Phase Virtual Metrology Method | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Hsien-Cheng Huang, Chi-An Kao | 7,603,328 B2 | 2009.10.13-2027.07.18 |
(A) | Method for Evaluating Reliance Level of a Virtual Metrology System in Product Manufacturing | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Yeh-Tung Chen, Yu-Chuan Su | 7,593,912 B2 | 2009.09.22-2026.12.29 |
(A) | Dual-Phase Virtual Metrology Method | KOR | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Hsien-Cheng Huang, Chi-An Kao | 10-0915339 | 2009.08.27-2027.09.12 |
(A) | Generic Embedded Device and Mechanism Thereof for Various Intelligent-Maintenance Applications | JPN | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Guo-Wei Huang, Chun-Hung Chen, Min-Hsiung Hung | 特許第4303640號 | 2009.05.01-2025.04.30 |
(A) | Quality Prognostics System and Method for Manufacturing Process | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Yu-Chuan Su, Guo-Wei Huang, Min-Hsiung Hung | 7,493,185 B2 | 2009.02.17-2025.07.15 |
(A) | System and Method for Automatic Virtual Metrology | JPN | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Hsien-Cheng Huang, Yi-Ting Huang, Jia-Mau Jian | 第4914457號 | 2009.01.27-2029.01.27 |
(A) | System and Method for Automatic Virtual Metrology | KOR | Natonal Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Hsien-Cheng Huang, Yi-Ting Huang, Jia-Mau Jian | 10-1098037 | 2008.12.30-2028.12.30 |
(A) | 檢測產品品質超規與評估產品實際量測值的方法 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、黃宜婷 | 第1479798號 | 2008.11.26~2028.11.25 |
(A) | Method for Providing Fault-Tolerant Application Cluster Service | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Shung-Lun Wu, Ping-Yen Tsai | 7,457,236 B2 | 2008.11.25-2025.04.15 |
(A) | Generic Service Management System | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Haw-Ching Yang, Chia-Ying Tsai | 7,386,751 B2 | 2008.06.10-2022.10.16 |
(A) | 自動虛擬計量的系統及方法 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、黃憲成、黃宜婷、簡嘉懋 | 第843932號 | 2008.06.05-2028.06.05 |
(A) | Method and System for Virtual Metrology in Semiconductor Manufacturing | USA | TSMC | Yung-Cheng Chang, Hsueh-Shih Fu, Ying-Lang Wang, Fan-Tien Cheng | 7,359,759 B2 | 2008.04.15-2026.03.17 |
(A) | Dual-Phase Virtual Metrology Method | JPN | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Hsien-Cheng Huang, Chi-An Kao | 特許第4584295號 | 2007.10.15-2027.10.15 |
(A) | 利用雙階段虛擬量測系統的雙階段虛擬量測方法 | 中國大陸 | 國立成功大學 | 鄭芳田、黃憲成、高季安 | 第823284號 | 2007.06.08-2027.06.08 |
(A) | Generic Embedded Device and Mechanism Thereof for Various Intelligent-Maintenance Applications | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Guo-Wei Huang, Chun-Hung Chen, Min-Hsiung Hung | 7,162,394 B2 | 2007.01.09-2023.08.29 |
(A) | Generic Service Management System | JPN | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Haw-Ching Yang, Chia-Ying Tsai | 特許第3872412號 | 2006.10.27-2022.10.28 |
(A) | Autonomous and Universal Remote Control System and Scheme | USA | National Cheng Kung University | Yu-Chung Yang and Fan-Tien Cheng | 7,034,713 | 2006.04.25-2022.11.24 |
(A) | Equipment Management Method | USA | National Science Council | Fan-Tien Cheng and Chun-Yen Teng | 7,003,367 | 2006.02.21-2022.09.24 |
(A) | Quality Prognostics System and Method for Manufacturing Process | JPN | National Cheng Kung University | Fan-Tien Cheng, Yu-Chuan Su, Guo-Wei Huang, Min-Hsiung Hung | 特許第4601492號 | 2005.06.02-2025.06.02 |
1 | 全自動虛擬量測系統 (AVM) | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3)全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4)量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5)預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品 | 成大智慧製造研究中心 | 聚合國際 | 2020.12.01起 |
2 | 智慧型預測保養系統 (IPM) | 1. 生產機台組件的預測保養方法與其電腦程式產品;2. 標的裝置的基底預測保養方法與其電腦程式產品 | 成大智慧製造研究中心 | 聚合國際 | 2020.12.01起 |
3 | 智慧型良率管理系統 (IYM) | 1. 根本原因的系統與方法;2. 考慮機台交互作用之辨識良率損失原因的系統與方法 | 成大智慧製造研究中心 | 聚合國際 | 2020.12.01起 |
4 | 應用於N次貼塗佈製程之全自動虛擬量測系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3)全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4)量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5)預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品 | 成大智慧製造研究中心 | 聚合國際 | 2020.10.01起 |
5 | 先期技轉-基於容器化技術之智慧型預測保養 (1/2) | 成大智慧製造研究中心 | 銓寶 | 2020.02.01起 | |
6 | 黃光區域虛擬控片量測技術減量計畫 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3)全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4)量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5)預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品 | 成大智慧製造研究中心 | 日月光 | 2019.12.01起 |
7 | 應用於碳纖製程之全自動虛擬量測系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品 | 成大智慧製造研究中心 | 台塑 | 2019.05.07簽約 |
8 | 智慧工廠自動化 | 智慧工廠自動化 | 成大智慧製造研究中心 | 台塑 | 2019.05.07簽約 |
9 | 應用於全電動塑膠中空成型機之全自動虛擬量測系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品;(6) 工具機之加工品質的預測方法;(7) 可擷取和傳送客製化應用之資訊的通用型嵌入式裝置與方法 | 成大智慧製造研究中心 | 鳳記國際 | 2019.04.01起 |
10 | 應用全自動虛擬量測於智慧模具 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品;(6) 工具機之加工品質的預測方法;(7) 可擷取和傳送客製化應用之資訊的通用型嵌入式裝置與方法 | 成大智慧製造研究中心 | 丞威精密工業 | 2019.03.15起 |
11 | 智慧工廠自動化 | 智慧工廠自動化 | 成大智慧製造研究中心 | 丞威精密工業 | 2019.03.15起 |
12 | 提升AVM性能之技術 | (1)生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 檢測產品品質超規與評估產品實際量測值的方法;(3) 使用具有信心指標之虛擬量測的先進製程控制系統與方法及其電腦程式產品;(4) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品;(5) 工具機之加工品質的預測方法;(6) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(7) 具取樣率決定機制的量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(8) 大量客製化產品的品質預測方法 | 成大智慧製造研究中心 | 先知科技 | 2018.11.08起 |
13 | 智慧型良率管理系統 | (1) 辨識良率損失之根本原因的系統與方法;(2) 考慮機台交互作用之辨識良率損失原因的系統與方法 | 成大智慧製造研究中心 | 先知科技 | 2018.11.08起 |
14 | 全自動虛擬量測 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品;(6) 具有虛擬量測功能的製造執行系統與製造系統;(7) 使用具有信心指標之虛擬量測的先進製程控制系統與方法及其電腦程式產品 | 成大智慧製造研究中心 | 群創 | 2018.06.05起 |
15 | 適用於Fan-Out製程之全自動虛擬量測 (AVM)系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品 | 成大製造所 | 日月光 | 2018.06.01起 |
16 | 適用於Fan-Out製程之智慧型良率管理 (IYM)系統 | 辨識良率損失之根本原因的系統與方法 | 成大製造所 | 日月光 | 2018.06.01起 |
17 | 應用於原絲製程之全自動虛擬量測系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品 | 成大智慧製造研究中心 | 台塑 | 2018.04.01起 |
18 | 應用於碳纖製程之全自動虛擬量測系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品 | 成大製造所 | 台塑 | 2017.10.11起 |
19 | 應用於電動黃油槍加工自動化之全自動虛擬量測系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品;(6) 工具機之加工品質的預測方法;(7) 可擷取和傳送客製化應用之資訊的通用型嵌入式裝置與方法 | 成大製造所 | 財團法人精密機械研究發展中心 | 2017.03.01起 |
20 | 先期技轉-適用於吹瓶機產業之智慧製造系統(1/2) | 智慧製造系統之物聯網元件 (CPA) | 成大製造所 | 銓寶 | 2017.02.01起 |
21 | 適用於Bumping製程濺鍍及黃光機台之全自動虛擬量測系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品 | 成大製造所 | 日月光 | 2016.10.15起 |
22 | 適用於吹瓶機產業之智慧製造系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式;(5) 產品預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品;(6) 工具機之加工品質的預測方法;(7) 可擷取和傳送客製化應用之資訊的通用型嵌入式裝置與方法;(8) 標的裝置的基底預測保養方法與其電腦程式產品;(9) 使用具有信心指標之虛擬量測的先進製程控制系統與方法及其電腦程式產品 | 成大製造所 | 銓寶 | 2016.09.23起 |
23 | 適用於航空引擎機匣製造之全自動虛擬量測系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品;(6) 工具機之加工品質的預測方法;(7) 可擷取和傳送客製化應用之資訊的通用型嵌入式裝置與方法 | 成大製造所 | 漢翔 | 2015.12.24起 |
24 | 適用於各型輪圈機之全自動虛擬量測系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品;(6) 工具機之加工品質的預測方法;(7) 可擷取和傳送客製化應用之資訊的通用型嵌入式裝置與方法 | 成大製造所 | 發得 | 2015.05.01起 |
25 | 全自動虛擬量測系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品;(6) 工具機之加工品質的預測方法 | 成大製造所 | 工研院 | 2015.04.01起 |
26 | 適用於Bumping製程Etch機台之全自動虛擬量測系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品 | 成大製造所 | 日月光 | 2015.04.01起 |
27 | 製程參數的搜尋與分析方法及其電腦程式產品 | 製程參數的搜尋與分析方法及其電腦程式產品 | 成大製造所 | 日月光 | 2015.04.01起 |
28 | 適用於PECVD和Trench Etch機台之預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法標的裝置的基底預測保養方法 | (1) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品;(2) 標的裝置的基底預測保養方法與其電腦程式產品 | 成大製造所 | 聯電 | 2015.01.15起 |
29 | 提升AVM性能之技術 | (1) 標的裝置的基底預測保養方法與其電腦程式產品;(2) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品;(3) 工具機之加工品質的預測方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品 | 成大製造所 | 先知 | 2015.01.08起 |
30 | 適用於工具機之全自動虛擬量測系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4) 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品;(5) 預測模型之建模樣本的篩選方法及其電腦程式產品;(6) 工具機之加工品質的預測方法 | 成大製造所 | 工研院 | 2014.07.01 起 |
31 | 適用於PECVD和Trench Etch機台之量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品 (智慧型取樣決策機制) | 量測抽樣方法與其電腦程式產品 | 成大製造所 | 聯電 | 2014.04.01起 |
32 | 適用於Trench Etch機台之全自動虛擬量測系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法 | 成大製造所 | 聯電 | 2013.12.01起 |
33 | 適用於PECVD機台之全自動虛擬量測系統 | (1) 生產製程之虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法 | 成大製造所 | 聯電 | 2013.02.01起 |
34 | 虛擬生產管制系統 | 虛擬生產管制系統與方法及其電腦程式產品 | 成大E化中心 | 奇景光電 | 2011.07.15起 |
35 | 虛擬生產管制系統 | 虛擬生產管制系統與方法及其電腦程式產品 | 成大E化中心 | 奇景半導體 | 2011.07.15起 |
36 | 具有虛擬量測功能的製造執行系統與製造系統 | 具有虛擬量測功能的製造執行系統與製造系統 | 成大製造所 | 先知 | 2011.04.28起 |
37 | 智慧型預測保養系統之設計與實作 | 應用通用型嵌入式裝置的預測保養系統 | 成大製造所 | 先知 | 2011.03.31起 |
38 | 適用於結構複雜的製程機台之智慧型預測保養系統 (先期技轉) | 適用於結構複雜的製程機台之智慧型預測保養系統與方法 | 成大製造所 | 先知 | 2011.03.01起 |
39 | 虛擬生產管制系統 | 虛擬生產管制系統與方法及其電腦程式產品 | 成大E化中心 | 奇美 | 2010.12.10起 |
40 | 全自動虛擬量測系統 | (1) 虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法 | 成大製造所 | 茂迪 | 2010.01.20起 |
41 | 全自動虛擬量測技術 | (1) 虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法;(4)偵測產品品質超規與評估產品實際量測值的方法 | 成大製造所 | 先知科技 | 2009.10.26起 |
42 | 全自動化型虛擬量測 | (1) 虛擬量測系統之信心度的評估方法;(2) 雙階段虛擬量測方法;(3) 全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法 | 成大製造所 | 奇美電子 | 2009.01.01起 |
43 | 應用通用型嵌入式裝置的預測保養系統 | 應用通用型嵌入式裝置的預測保養系統 | 成大製造所 | 財團法人精密機械研究發展中心 | 2008.08.01-2018.07.31 |
44 | 虛擬量測自動化架構與管理系統研發(先期技轉) | 雙階段虛擬量測方法 | 成大製造所 | 奇美電子 | 2007.11.01-2027.09.30 |
45 | 自發性的通用型遙控系統與機制 | 自發性的通用型遙控系統與機制 | 成大製造所 | 泰億科技 | 2007.01.10-2017.01.09 |
46 | 設備工程系統之設計與實作(先期技轉) | 可擷取和傳送客製化應用之資訊的通用型嵌入式裝置與方法 | 成大製造所 | 奇美電子 | 2006.03.01-2011.02.28 |
47 | 虛擬量測 | 生產製程之品質預測系統與方法 | 成大製造所 | 台積電 | 2006.02.09起 |
48 | 虛擬量測系統與方法 | 應用通用型嵌入式裝置之生產製程的品質預測系統與方法 | 成大製造所 | 奇美電子 | 2005.12.30起 |
49 | 計算機效能評估器與其應用 | 計算機效能評估器與其應用方法 | 成大製造所 | 群錄系統 | 2005.01.14-2010.01.13 |
50 | 通用型服務管理機制 | 通用型服務管理系統 | 成大製造所 | 群錄系統 | 2003.11.20-2008.11.19 |
51 | 具容錯能力之應用程式叢集服務 | 具容錯能力之應用程式叢集服務 | 成大製造所 | 群錄系統 | 2003.11.20-2008.11.19 |
52 | 供分散式物件導向系統使用之通用型軟體測試機制 | 通用型軟體測試系統與機制 | 成大製造所 | 群錄系統 | 2003.06.30-2008.06.29 |
53 | 半導體封裝廠通用型機台監控系統(共10項) | 機台監控方法 | 成大製造所 | 矽品精密 | 2002.02.22-2007.02.21 |
54 | 半導體封裝廠通用型機台監控系統(共3項) | 機台監控方法 | 成大製造所 | 安達通系統 (現更名為群錄系統) | 2001.12.14-2006.12.13 |
【2019.03.21】臺灣機械工業同業公會 2019年機械工業產學貢獻獎
【2019.04.26】經濟部107年國家發明創作獎之發明獎銀牌 (工具機之加工品質的預測方法)
【2018.05.24】2018 IEEE機器人與自動化國際學術研討會之自動化領域的最佳論文獎入圍
【2017.08.22】2017 IEEE自動化科學與工程國際學術研討會之最佳應用論文獎 (IEEE CASE 2017 Best Application Paper)
**專訪**【★困境成其大–台灣半導體自動化教父鄭芳田★ http://scitechvista.most.gov.tw/zh-tw/feature/C/0/3/10/1/2104.htm】
【2016.03.15】臺灣機械工業同業公會 2016年機械工業產學貢獻獎
【2014.05.06】2014 潘文淵研究傑出獎
【2014.01.28】2013 科技部傑出研究獎
【2013.05.09】丁顥同學、楊浩青老師、洪敏雄老師及鄭芳田教授發表論文「A Novel Virtual Metrology Scheme for Predicting Machining Precision of Machine Tools」,榮獲IEEE ICRA 2013的「Best Automation Paper
【2013.01.07】2013 IEEE Inaba Technical Award for Innovation Leading to Production
【2012.08.30】經濟部101年國家發明創作獎之發明獎金牌 (全自動化型虛擬量測的伺服器與系統及方法)
【2011.12.28】2011 行政院傑出科技貢獻獎
【2011.09.23】經濟部100年國家發明創作獎之發明獎銀牌 (雙階段虛擬量測方法)
【2011.03.03】2010 自動化科技學會會士
【2010.10.12】2010 國科會「技術移轉個案獎勵」“全自動虛擬量測技術”
【2010.09.28】2010 第十七屆東元獎
【2010.03.10】2009 國科會傑出研究獎(光電半導體自動化)
【2009.02.25】2009 國立成功大學講座教授
【2008.10.03】2008 經濟部大學產業經濟貢獻獎-產業貢獻獎(個人獎)
【2008.04.28】2008 國立成功大學產學合作成果特優教師獎 (第二度獲獎)
【2008.01.01】2008 國際電機電子工程師學會會士
【2007.04.26】2006 國科會傑出研究獎(自動化領域)
【2007.04.26】2006 國科會傑出產學合作獎
【2007.07.01】2007 國科會「技術移轉個案獎勵」“一種適用於半導體與TFT-LCD生產製程之品質預測架構”
【2006.12.01】2006-2009 國科會工程處自動化學門召集人
【2004.05.20】2004 國立成功大學產學合作成果特優教師獎
【2003.04.10】2003 國科會「技術移轉個案獎勵」“半導體封裝廠通用型機台監控系統研發”
【2003.10.17】2002 教育部大學校院教師產學合作獎
【2003.09.18】2003 國科會「技術移轉個案獎勵」“通用型軟體測試系統與機制”
【1999.05.13】1999 IEEE機器人與自動化國際學術研討會之自動化領域的最佳論文獎
【1994.12.01】1994 中山科學研究院研究員
1. Y.-M. Hsieh, R. Lu, J.-W. Lu, F.-T. Cheng, and M. Adnan "Automated Classification Scheme plus AVM for Wafer Sawing Processes" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.
1. H. Tieng, Y.-Y. Li, K.-P. Tseng, H.-C. Yang, and F.-T. Cheng "An Automated Dynamic-Balancing-Inspection Scheme for Wheel Machining" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 2224-2231, April 2020.
2. C.-Y. Lin, Y.-M. Hsieh, F.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Huang, M. Adnan "Time Series Prediction Algorithm for Intelligent Predictive Maintenance" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 2807-2814, July 2019.
3. H.-C. Yang, M. Adnan, C.-H. Huang, F.-T. Cheng, Y.-L. Lo, and C.-H. Hsu "An Intelligent Metrology Architecture with AVM for Metal Additive Manufacturing" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 2886-2893, July 2019.
4. Y.-M. Hsieh, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-R. Yang, M.-H. Hung, and F.-T. Cheng "Automatic Virtual Metrology for Carbon Fiber Manufacturing" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 2730-2737, July 2019.
5. C.-Y. Lin, Y.-M. Hsieh, F.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Huang, M. Adnan "Time Series Prediction Algorithm for Intelligent Predictive Maintenance" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 2807-2814, July 2019.
6. C.-C. Chen, M.-H. Hung, B. Suryajaya, Y.-C. Lin, H.-C. Yang, H.-C. Huang, and F.-T. Cheng "A Novel Efficient Big Data Processing Scheme for Feature Extraction in Electrical Discharge Machining" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4, issue 2, pp. 910-917, April 2019.
7. H.-C. Yang, T.-H. Tsai, H. Tieng, and F.-T. Cheng "A Gradual Refreshing Scheme for Improving Tool Utilization" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4 , issue 2, pp. 515-522, April 2019.
8. C.-Y. Lin, Y.-M. Hsieh, F.-T. Cheng, and Y.-R. Yang "Interaction-Effect Search Algorithm for the KSA Scheme" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 2778-2785, October 2018. DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2018.2838323.
9. C.-C. Chen, M.-H. Hung, P.-Y. Li, Y.-C. Lin, Y.-Y. Liu, and F.-T. Cheng "A Novel Automated Construction Scheme for Efficiently Developing Cloud Manufacturing Services" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 1378-1385, July 2018. DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2018.2799420.
10. H. Tieng, T.-H. Tsai, C.-F. Chen, H.-C. Yang, J.-W. Huang, and F.-T. Cheng "Automatic Virtual Metrology and Deformation Fusion Scheme for Engine-Case Manufacturing" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 934-941, April 2018. DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2018.2792690.
11. F.-T. Cheng, C.-Y. Lin, C.-F. Chen, R.-X. Xiao, J.-W. Zheng, and Y.-S. Hsieh "Blind-stage Search Algorithm for the Key-variable Search Scheme" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1840-1847, October 2017.(MOST 105-2218-E-006-014 and MOST 104-2221-E-006-065-MY3)
12. H.-C. Yang, Y.-Y. Li, M.-H. Hung, and F.-T. Cheng "A Cyber-Physical Scheme for Predicting Tool Wear based on Hybrid Dynamic Neural Network" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 614–625, October 2017. DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2017.1372223.
13. Y.-C. Chiu, F.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Huang "Developing a Factory-wide Intelligent Predictive Maintenance System based on Industry 4.0" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 40, no. 7, pp.562–571, Aug 2017. DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2017.1362357.(MOST 105-2221-E-006-255-MY3)
14. Y.-C. Lin, M.-H. Hung, H.-C. Huang, C.-C. Chen, H.-C. Yang, Y.-S. Hsieh, and F.-T. Cheng "Development of Advanced Manufacturing Cloud of Things (AMCoT)-A Smart Manufacturing Platform" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 1809-1816, July 2017.(MOST 104-3011-E-006-001, 105-2218-E-006-014, 105-2221-E-034-002, MOST 105-2221-E-006-141, and MOST 106-2218-E-006-005)
15. M.-H. Hung, Y.-Y. Li, Y.-C. Lin, C.-F. Wei, H.-C. Yang, and F.-T. Cheng "Development of a Novel Cloud-based Multi-Tenant Model Creation Service for Automatic Virtual Metrology" Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 44, pp. 174–189, April 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2016.09.003.(MOST 104-2221-E-034-003, MOST 104-3011-E-006-001, and MOST 105-2218-E-006–014)
16. H. Tieng, C.-F. Chen, F.-T. Cheng, and H.-C. Yang "Automatic Virtual Metrology and Target Value Adjustment for Mass Customization" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 2, issue 2, pp. 546–553, April 2017. DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2016.2645507.(MOST105-2221-E-006-255-MY3 and MOST 105-2218-E-006-014)
17. F.-T. Cheng, Y.-S. Hsieh, J.-W. Zheng, S.-M. Chen, R.-X. Xiao, and C.-Y. Lin "A Scheme of High-dimensional Key-variable Search Algorithms for Yield Improvement" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 2, pp.179-186, no. 1, January 2017. DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2016.2584143.(MOST 104-3011-E-006-001)
18. F.-T. Cheng, H. Tieng, H.-C. Yang, M.-H. Hung, Y.-C. Lin, C.-F. Wei, and Z.-Y. Shieh "Industry 4.1 for Wheel Machining Automation" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 1, no.1, pp. 332-339, January 2016. DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2016.2517208(MOST 104-3011-E-006-001 and MOST 104-2221-E-006-065-MY3)
19. C.-C. Chen, Y.-C. Lin, M.-H. Hung, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-J. Tsai, and F.-T. Cheng "A Novel Cloud Manufacturing Framework with Auto-Scaling Capability for the Machining Industry" International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, DOI: 10.1080/0951192X.2015.1125766(NSC 102-2218-E-006-009-MY2, NSC 101-2218-E-006-022, MOST 104-3011-E-006-001, and Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
20. H.-C. Yang, H. Tieng, and F.-T. Cheng "Automatic Virtual Metrology for Wheel Machining Automation" International Journal of Production Research, vol. 54, no. 21, pp. 6367–6377, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2015.1109724
21. H.-C. Yang, H. Tieng, and F.-T. Cheng "Total Precision Inspection of Machine Tools with Virtual Metrology" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 221-235, DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2015.1091279
22. F.-T. Cheng, Y.-S. Hsieh, C.-F. Chen, and J.-R. Lyu "Automated Sampling Decision Scheme for the AVM System" International Journal of Production Research(MOST 103-2622-E-006-009-CC2, MOST 102-2218-E-006-009-MY2, Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
23. F.-T. Cheng, C.-A. Kao, C.-F. Chen, and W.-H. Tsai "Tutorial on Applying the VM Technology for TFT-LCD Manufacturing" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 55-69, February 2015.(NSC 101-2221-E-006-002, NSC 101-2218-E-006-022, and Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
24. H.-C. Huang, Y.-C. Lin, M.-H. Hung, C.-C. Tu, and F.-T. Cheng "Development of Cloud-based Automatic Virtual Metrology System for Semiconductor Industry" Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 34, pp. 30-43, Feb. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2015.01.005.(NSC 102-2218-E-006-009-MY2 and Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
25. F.-T. Cheng, C.-F. Chen, Y.-S. Hsieh, H.-H. Huang, and C.-C. Wu "Intelligent Sampling Decision Scheme Based on the AVM System" International Journal of Production Research, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 2073–2088, 2015. DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2014.955924.(NSC102-2622-E-006-022-CC2, NSC102-2221-E-006-118-MY2, Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
26. Y.-T. Huang, F.-T. Cheng, Y.-H. Shih, and Y.-L. Chen "Advanced ART2 Scheme for Enhancing Metrology-Data-Quality Evaluation" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, volume 37, issue 8, pp. 1064-1079, published online: May 2014, DOI:10.1080/02533839.2014.912773.(NSC 100-2221-E-006-002, NSC 100-2622-E-006-011-CC2, Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
27. F.-T. Cheng and Y.-C. Chiu "Applying the Automatic Virtual Metrology System to Obtain Tube-to-Tube Control in a PECVD Tool" IIE Transactions, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 670-681, June 2013.(982C06, 99RC03)
28. C.-A. Kao, F.-T. Cheng, W.-M. Wu, F.-W. Kong, and H.-H. Huang "Run-to-Run Control Utilizing Virtual Metrology with Reliance Index" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 69-81, February 2013.(99RC03, Foresight Technology Company, Ltd. Research Project)
29. Y.-S. Hsieh, F.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Huang, C.-R. Wang, S.-C. Wang, and H.-C. Yang "VM-based Baseline Predictive Maintenance Scheme" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 132-144, February 2013.(NSC100-2622-E-006-011-CC2, NSC100-2221-E-006-127-MY2, NSC101-2622-E-006-002-CC2, Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
30. M.-H. Hung, C.-F. Chen, H.-C. Huang, H.-C. Yang, and F.-T. Cheng "Development of an AVM System Implementation Framework" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 598-613, November 2012.(NSC99-2221-E-006-233, NSC100-2622-E-006-011-CC2, Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
31. M.-H. Hung, W.-H. Tsai, H.-C. Yang, Y.-J. Kao, and F.-T. Cheng "A Novel Automatic Virtual Metrology System Architecture for TFT-LCD Industry based on Main Memory Database" Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 559-568, August 2012.(NSC-98-2622-E-006-009, NCKU Landmark Project)
32. F.-T. Cheng, Y.-L. Chen, and J. Y.-C. Chang "Engineering Chain: A Novel Semiconductor Engineering Collaboration Model" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 25, No. 3, pp.394-407, August 2012.(NSC100-2221-E-006-002, Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
33. M.-H. Hung, Y.-C. Lin, S.-H. Li, H.-C. Yang, and F.-T. Cheng "Design and Implementation of a Data Exchange Platform for TFT-LCD Virtual Production Control Systems" International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, vol. 2 no.2, pp. 83-94, June, 2012.(99-EC-17-A-02-S1-130 (經濟部))
34. W.-M. Wu, F.-T. Cheng, and F.-W. Kong "Dynamic-Moving-Window Scheme for Virtual-Metrology Model Refreshing" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 238-246, May 2012.(NSC100-2221-E-006-002,NSC100-2622-E-006-011-CC2, Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
35. F.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Huang, and C.-A. Kao "Developing an Automatic Virtual Metrology System" IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, pp.181-188, January 2012.(NSC99-2221-E-006-201, NSC99-2221-E-006-233, and NSC100-2622-E-006-011-CC2, AIM-HI of MOE)
36. Y.-T. Huang and F.-T. Cheng "Automatic Data Quality Evaluation for the AVM System" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 445-454, August 2011.(NSC 99-2221-E-006-201, NSC 99-2221-E-006-233, 982C06)
37. F.-T. Cheng, J. Y.-C. Chang, H.-C. Huang, C.-A. Kao, Y.-L. Chen, and J.-L. Peng "Benefit Model of Virtual Metrology and Integrating AVM into MES" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 261-272, May 2011.(982C06, NCKU Landmark Project)
38. W.-M. Wu, F.-T. Cheng, T.-H. Lin, D.-L. Zeng, and J.-F. Chen "Selection Schemes of Dual Virtual-Metrology Outputs for Enhancing Prediction Accuracy" IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 311-318, April 2011.(NSC96-2622-E-006-043, NSC98-2622-E-006-009, NCKU Landmark Project)
39. M.-H. Hung, S.-W. Wu, Z.-L. Wang, F.-T. Cheng, and Y.-Y. Feng "An Efficient Data Exchange Scheme for Semiconductor Engineering Chain Management System" Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing vol. 26, issue 5, pp. 507-516, October 2010.(NSC 95-2221-E-006-347-MY3)
40. F.-T. Cheng, W.-H. Tsai, T.-L. Wang, J. Y.-C. Chang, and Y.-C. Su "Advanced e-Manufacturing Model" IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 71-84, March 2010.(NSC 95-2221-E-006-347-MY3, NSC 96-2221-E-006-279-MY3)
41. T.-H. Lin, F.-T. Cheng, W.-M. Wu, C.-A. Kao, A.-J. Ye, and F.-C. Chang "NN-based Key-variable Selection Method for Enhancing Virtual Metrology Accuracy" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 204-211, February 2009.(NSC 95-2622-E-006-002, NCKU Landmark Project)
42. Y.-C. Su, T.-H. Lin, F.-T. Cheng, and W.-M. Wu "Accuracy and Real-Time Considerations for Implementing Various Virtual Metrology Algorithms" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 426-434, August 2008.(NSC 95-2622-E-006-002, NCKU Landmark Project)
43. F.-T. Cheng, C.-L. Wang, H.-C. Yang, S.-L. Wu, and C.-Y. Lo "A Study on Application Cluster Service Scheme and Computer Performance Evaluator" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 675-690, June 2008.(NSC 96-2221-E-006-279-MY3, NSC 96-2221-E-006-280-MY3)
44. M.-H. Hung, T.-L. Wang, F.-Y. Hsu, and F.-T. Cheng "Development of an Interface C Framework for Semiconductor e-Diagnostics Systems" Robotics and Computer-Integration Manufacturing, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 370-383, June 2008.(NSC 94-2212-E-006-005)
45. F.-T. Cheng, Y.-T. Chen, Y.-C. Su, and D.-L. Zeng "Evaluating Reliance Level of a Virtual Metrology System" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 92-103, February 2008.(NSC 95-2622-E-006-002)
46. F.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Huang, and C.-A. Kao "Dual-Phase Virtual Metrology Scheme" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 566-571, November 2007.(NSC 95-2622-E-006-002)
47. M.-H. Hung, T.-H. Lin, F.-T. Cheng, and R.-C. Lin "A Novel Virtual Metrology Scheme for Predicting CVD Thickness in Semiconductor Manufacturing" IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 308-316, June 2007.(NSC 94-2622-E-006-001, NSC 95-2622-E-006-002)
48. F.-T. Cheng, Y.-C. Su, and C.-H. Wang "Development of a Software Tester for Distributed Object-Oriented Systems" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 115-131, January 2007.(NSC 94-2212-E-006-005)
49. Y.-C. Su, F.-T. Cheng, M.-H. Hung, and H.-C. Huang "Intelligent Prognostics System Design and Implementation" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 195-207, May 2006.(NSC 94-2212-E-006-006, NSC 93-2622-E-006-005)
50. Y.-C. Su, M.-H. Hung, F.-T. Cheng, and Y.-T. Chen "A Processing Quality Prognostics Scheme for Plasma Sputtering in TFT-LCD Manufacturing" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 183-194, May 2006.(NSC 93-2622-E-006-005, NSC 94-2622-E-006-001, NSC 94-2212-E-014-001)
51. M.-H. Hung, F.-T. Cheng, and S.-C. Yeh "Development of a Web-Services-based e-Diagnostics Framework for the Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 122-135, February 2005.(NSC 92-2212-E-006-098)
52. M.-H. Hung, F.-T. Cheng, H.-L. Lee, and D. E. Orin "Increasing the Stability Margin of Multilegged Vehicles through Body Sway" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 39-54, January 2005.(NSC 88-2212-E-006-095)
53. M.-H. Hung, K.-Y. Chen, R.-W. Ho, and F.-T. Cheng "Development of an e-Diagnostics/Maintenance Framework for Semiconductor Factories with Security Considerations" the Special Issue on Intelligent Maintenance Systems for Int. Journal of Advanced Engineering Informatics, vol. 17, pp. 165-178, October 2004.(NSC 92-2212-E-006-098)
54. M.-H. Hung, C.-H. Tsai, F.-T. Cheng, and H.-C. Yang "Development of An Ethernet-Based Equipment Integration Framework for Factory Automation" Robotics and Computer-Integration Manufacturing, vol. 20, issue 5, pp. 369-383, October 2004.(NSC 90-2212-E-014-009)
55. F.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Yang, and J.-Y. Lin "Development of Holonic Information Coordination Systems with Failure-Recovery Considerations" IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 58-72, July 2004.(NSC 89-2212-E-006-099 & NSC 90-2212-E-006-074)
56. F.-T. Cheng, C.-F. Chang, and S.-L. Wu "Development of Holonic Manufacturing Execution Systems" Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 253-267, April 2004.(NSC 89-2212-E-006-094 & NSC 90-2212-E-006-075)
57. F.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Yang, and C.-Y. Tsai "Developing a Service Management Scheme for Semiconductor Factory Management Systems" IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 26-40, March 2004.(NSC 90-2212-E-006-075 & NSC 91-2622-E-006-004)
58. F.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Yang, and E. Huang "Development of an Educational Supply Chain Information System Using Object Web Technology" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 735-752, November 2002.(NSC 90-2212-E-006-074)
59. F.-T. Cheng and C.-Y. Teng "An Object-Based Controller for Equipment Communications in Semiconductor Manufacturing" Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 18/5-6, pp. 371-386, October 2002.(NSC 90-2212-E-006-075 & NSC 91-2622-E-006-004)
60. F.-T. Cheng and M.-T. Lin "Enhancement of Semiconductor Equipment Communications using a Web-enabled Equipment Driver" IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 372-380, November 2001.(NSC 89-2212-E-006-042 & NSC 89-2622-E-006-004)
61. F.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Yang, T.-L. Kuo, C. Feng, and M. Jeng "Modeling and Analysis of Equipment Managers in Manufacturing Execution Systems for Semiconductor Packaging" IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 772-782, October 2000.(NSC 89-2212-E-006-042 & NSC 89-2622-E-006-002)
62. F.-T. Cheng, E. Shen, J.-Y. Deng, and K. Nguyen "Development of a System Framework for the Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Execution System: a Distributed Object-Oriented Approach" International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 12, no. 5, pp.384-402, September/October, 1999.(NSC 87-2218-E-006-001)
63. J.-S. Chen, F.-T. Cheng, K.-T. Yang, F.-C. Kung, and Y.-Y. Sun "Optimal Force Distribution in Multilegged Vehicles" ROBOTICA, vol. 17, pp. 159-172, 1999.(NSC 86-2213-E-006-042)
64. F.-T. Cheng, Y.-D. Lu, and Y.-Y. Sun "Window-Shaped Obstacle Avoidance for a Redundant Manipulator" IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, part B, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 806-815, Dec. 1998.(NSC 85-2213-E-006-065)
65. F.-T. Cheng, J.-S. Chen, and F.-C. Kung "Study and Resolution of Singularities for a 7-DOF Redundant Manipulator" IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 469-480, June 1998.(NSC 85-2213-E-006-065)
66. F.-T. Cheng and T.-H. Chen "Relationship between the Pseudoinverse Formulation and the Compact Formulation for Obtaining the General Solutions of Redundant Robotic Systems" Proceedings of the National Science Council, Part A: Physical Science and Engineering, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 251-260, March 1998.(NSC 86-2213-E-006-042)
67. F.-T. Cheng and M.-S. Shih "Multiple-Goal Priority Considerations of Redundant Manipulators" ROBOTICA, vol. 15, pp. 675-691, 1997.(NSC 85-2213-E-006-065)
68. F.-T. Cheng "An Efficient Method for Obtaining the General Solution for the Force Balance Equations with Hard Point Contacts" IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, part B, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 255-260, April 1997.(NSC 85-2213-E-006-065)
69. F.-T. Cheng, T.-L. Hour, Y.-Y. Sun, and T.-H. Chen "Study and Resolution of Singularities for a 6-DOF PUMA Manipulator" IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, part B, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 332-343, April 1997.(NSC 83-0422-E-006-091)
70. F.-T. Cheng, K.-H. Su, and W.-M. Wang "Priority Considerations for Multiple Goals of Redundant Manipulators" Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 499-513, July 1996.(NSC 85-2213-E-006-065)
71. G.-W. Lee and F.-T. Cheng "Robust Control of Manipulators Using the Computed Torque plus H-Infinity Compensation Method" IEE Proceedings Part D, Control Theory and Applications, vol. 143, no. 1, pp. 64-72, January 1996.(NSC 82-0422-E-006-047)
72. F.-T. Cheng, R.-J. Sheu, and T.-H. Chen "The Improved Compact QP Method for Resolving Manipulator Redundancy" IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, vol. 25, no. 11, pp. 1521-1530, November 1995.(NSC 84-2212-E-006-042)
73. F.-T. Cheng, T.-L. Hour, Y.-Y. Sun, and F.-C. Kung "Analysis and Resolution of Singularities for a 5-DOF GRYPHON Manipulator" Journal of Control Systems and Technology, vol. 3, no.1, pp. 1-13, March 1995.(NSC 83-0422-E-006-091)
74. F.-T. Cheng, J.-J. Lee, T.-H. Chen, and F.-C. Kung "Control and Simulation for a Closed-Chain Dual Redundant Manipulator System" Journal of Robotic Systems, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 119-133, February 1995.(NSC 82-0422-E-006-047)
75. T.-H. Chen, F.-T. Cheng, Y.-Y. Sun, and M.-H. Hung "Torque Optimization Schemes for Kinematically Redundant Manipulators" Journal of Robotic Systems, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 257-269, June 1994.(NSC 80-0422-E-006-02)
76. F.-T. Cheng, T.-H. Chen, and Y.-Y. Sun "Resolving Manipulator Redundancy under Inequality Constraints" IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 65-71, February 1994(NSC 80-0422-E-006-02)
77. T.-H. Chen, Y.-S. Wang, F.-T. Cheng, F.-C. Kung, and Y.-Y. Sun "Efficient Obstacle Avoidance for Kinematically Redundant Manipulators with Drift Free Operation" Journal of Control Systems and Technology, vol. 1, no. 3, pp.181-195, July 1993.(NSC 81-0422-E-006-04)
78. F.-T. Cheng and D. E. Orin "Optimal Force Distribution in Multiple-Chain Robotic Systems" IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 13-24, Jan./Feb. 1991.
79. F.-T. Cheng and D. E. Orin "Efficient Formulation of the Force Distribution Equations for Simple Closed-Chain Robotic Mechanisms" IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 25-32 Jan./Feb. 1991
80. F.-T. Cheng and D. E. Orin "Efficient Algorithm for Optimal Force Distribution - The Compact-Dual LP Method" IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 178-187, April 1990
81. D. E. Orin, C.-K. Tsai, and F.-T. Cheng "Dynamic Computer Control of a Robot Leg" IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. IE-32, no. 1, pp. 19-25, February 1985.
1. H.-C. Yang, T.-H. Tsai, H. Tieng, F.-T. Cheng "A Gradual Refreshing Scheme to Improve Tool Utilization" in Proc. of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2019), Montreal, Canada, May 20-24, 2019.
2. C.-Y. Lin, Y.-M. Hsieh, F.-T. Cheng, Y.-R. Yang, and M. Adnan "Interaction-Effect Search Algorithm for the KSA Scheme" in Proc. of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2018), Munich, Germany, August 20-24, 2018.
3. Y.-Y. Liu, M.-H. Hung, Y.-C. Lin, C.-C. Chen, W.-L. Gao, and F.-T. Cheng "A Cloud-based Pluggable Manufacturing Service Scheme for Smart Factory" in Proc. of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2018), Munich, Germany, August 20-24, 2018.
4. C.-C. Chen, M.-H. Hung, P.-Y. Li, Y.-C. Lin, Y.-Y. Liu, and F.-T. Cheng "A Novel Automated Construction Scheme for Efficiently Developing Cloud Manufacturing Services" in Proc. of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2018), Brisbane, Australia, May 21-25, 2018. 【Best Paper Award in Automation—Finalist】
5. F.-T. Cheng, C.-Y. Lin, C.-F. Chen, R.-X. Xiao, J.-W. Zheng, Y.-S. Hsieh "Blind-Stage Search Algorithm for the Key-Variable Search Scheme" in Proc. of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2017), Xi'an, China, August 20-23, 2017.
6. Y.-C. Lin, M.-H. Hung, H.-C. Huang, C.-C. Chen, H.-C. Yang, Y.-S. Hsieh, F.-T. Cheng "Development of Advanced Manufacturing Cloud of Things (AMCoT) - a Smart Manufacturing Platform" in Proc. of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2017), Xi'an, China, August 20-23, 2017. 【Best Application Paper Award】
7. H. Tieng, C.-F. Chen, F.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Yang "Automatic Virtual Metrology and Target Value Adjustment for Mass Customization" in Proc. of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017), Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, May 29-June 3, 2017.
8. F.-T. Cheng, Y.-S. Hsieh, J.-W. Zheng, S.-M. Chen, R.-X. Xiao, and C.-Y. Lin "A Scheme of High-dimensional Key-variable Search Algorithms for Yield Improvement" in Proc. of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2016), Fort Worth, Texas, USA, August 21-24, 2016.
9. Y.-C. Lin, M.-H. Hung, Y.-Y. Liu, Y.-Y. Li, and F.-T. Cheng "Development of a Novel Automated Model Creation Service based on Cyber-Physical System and Cloud Computing" in Proc. of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2016), Fort Worth, Texas, USA, August 21-24, 2016.
10. F.-T. Cheng, H. Tieng, H.-C. Yang, M.-H. Hung, Y.-C. Lin, C.-F. Wei, and Z.-Y. Shieh "Industry 4.1 for Wheel Machining Automation" Proc. of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2016), Stockholm, Sweden, May 16-21, 2016.
11. Y.-Y. Li, H.-C. Yang, H. Tieng, and F.-T. Cheng "Extracting Relevant Features for Diagnosing Machine Tool Faults in Cloud Architecture" Proc. of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2015), pp. 1434-1439, Gothenburg, Sweden, Aug 24-28, 2015.MOST 103-2218-E-327-005-MY2
12. Y.-C. Lin, M.-H. Hung, C.-F. Wei, and F.-T. Cheng "Development of a Novel Cloud-based Multi-tenant Model Creation Scheme for Machine Tools" Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2015), pp. 1448-1149, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 24-28, 2015.
13. Y.-S. Hsieh, F.-T. Cheng, C.-F. Chen, J.-R. Lyu, and T.-Y. Lin "Dynamic ISD Scheme for the AVM System – a Preliminary Study" Proc. of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2015), pp. 2060-2065, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 2015.(NSC102-2622-E-006-022-CC2 and NSC102-2221-E-006-118-MY2, Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
14. C.-F. Chen, F.-T. Cheng, C.-C. Wu, and H.-H. Huang "Preliminary Study of an Intelligent Sampling Decision Scheme for the AVM System" Proc. of The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2014), pp. 3496-3501, Hong Kong, China, May 31-June 7, 2014.(NSC102-2622-E-006-022-CC2 & NSC102-2221-E-006-118-MY2)
15. C.-C. Chen, M.-H. Hung, Y.-J. Tsai, C.-Y. Lin, M.-S. Chen, R.-S. Lee, F.-T. Cheng "Apply Cloud-based Ontology Inference to Computer Aided Process Planning Service for Wheel Design" Proc. of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2014), pp. 891-892, Taipei, Taiwan, August 18-22, 2014.
16. C.-C. Chen, Y.-C. Lin, M.-H. Hung, C.-Y. Lin, Y.-J. Tsai, M.-S. Chen, F.-T. Cheng "Development of Auto-scaling Cloud Manufacturing Framework for Machine Tool Industry" Proc. of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2014), pp. 893-898, Taipei, Taiwan, August 18-22, 2014.
17. H. Tieng, H.-C. Yang, F.-T. Cheng, M.-H. Hung "A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach for Selecting Key Features of Machining Processes" Proc. of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2014), pp. 899-904, Taipei, Taiwan, August 18-22, 2014.
18. M.-H. Hung, Y.-C. Lin, H.-C. Huang, J.-J. Due, F.-T. Cheng "Development of a Private Cloud-based New-Generation Virtual Metrology System" Proc. of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2014), pp. 910-915, Taipei, Taiwan, August 18-22, 2014.
19. C.-F. Chen, Y.-S. Hsieh, F.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Huang, and S.-C. Wang "Automatic Baseline-Sample-Selection Scheme for Baseline Predictive Maintenance" Proc. of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2013), Madison, Wisconsin, USA, August 17-21, 2013.(NSC 101-2622-E-006-002-CC2, NSC 102-2622-E-006-022-CC2, NSC 101-2218-E-006-022, NSC 101-2221-E-006-002, Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
20. M.-H. Hung, Y.-C. Lin, H.-C. Huang, M.-H. Hsieh, H.-C. Yang, and F.-T. Cheng "Development of an Advanced Manufacturing Cloud for Machine Tool Industry based on AVM Technology" Proc. of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2013), Madison, Wisconsin, USA, August 17-21, 2013.(NSC 101-2218-E-006-022, NSC 102-2622-E-006-022-CC2, Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
21. Y.-H. Shih, Y.-T. Huang, and F.-T. Cheng "Preliminary Study of Advanced Fault Detection Scheme" Proc. of The 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2013), Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 3546-3551.(NSC 100-2221-E-006-127-MY2, NSC 100-2221-E-006-002, Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
22. H. Tieng, H.-C. Yang, M.-H. Hung, and F.-T. Cheng "A Novel Virtual Metrology Scheme for Predicting Machining Precision of Machine Tools" Proc. of The 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2013), Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 264-269.(NSC 100-2622-E-327-015-CC3, NSC 100-2221-E-034-020, Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
23. Y.-S. Hsieh, F.-T. Cheng, and H.-C. Yang "Virtual-Metrology-based FDC Scheme" Proc. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2012), Seoul, Korea, pp. 80-85, August 20-24, 2012.(NSC100-2622-E-006-011-CC2, NSC100-2221-E-006-127-MY2, NSC100-2221-E-006-002, Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
24. H.-C. Yang, M.-H. Hung, F.-T. Cheng "A Dual-Forecast Scheme for Production Output with Paired/Unpaired WIP Data" Proc. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2012), Seoul, Korea, pp. 577-582, August 20-24, 2012.(NSC100-2221-E-006-002)
25. M.-H. Hung, Y.-C. Lin, T. Q. Huy, H.-C. Yang, F.-T. Cheng "Development of a Cloud-Computing-based Equipment Monitoring System for Machine Tool Industry" Proc. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2012), Seoul, Korea, pp. 953-968, August 20-24, 2012.(NSC100-2221-E-006-127-MY2, Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
26. H.-C. Yang, M.-H. Hung, and F.-T. Cheng "A Virtual-Metrology-Based Machining State Conjecture System" Proc. 2012 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C., July 11-14, 2012.(Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
27. M.-H. Hung, Y.-C. Lin, M.-Y. Chou, and F.-T. Cheng "Refinement of Kernel and Functional Mechanisms for Automatic Virtual Metrology System" Proc. 2012 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Kaohsiung, Taiwan , R.O.C., July 11-14, 2012.(Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
28. W.-M. Wu, F.-T. Cheng, and M.-H. Hung "Preliminary Study of a Dynamic-Moving-Window Scheme for Virtual-Metrology Model Refreshing" Proc. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A., pp. 5044-5049, May, 2012.(NSC100-2221-E-006-002, NSC100-2622-E-006-011-CC2, NSC 100-2221-E-006-127-MY2, Project AIM-HI of MOE, ROC)
29. C.-A. Kao, F.-T. Cheng, and W.-M. Wu "Preliminary Study of Run-to-Run Control Utilizing Virtual Metrology with Reliance Index" Proc. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Trieste, Italy, pp. 256-261, August, 2011.(99RC03, Foresight Technology Company, Ltd. Research Project)
30. H.-C. Yang, Y.-L. Chen, M.-H. Hung, and F.-T. Cheng "Virtual Production Control System" Proc. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, pp. 984-989, August, 2010.(98-EC-17-A-02-S1-130 (經濟部))
31. M.-H. Hung, H.-C. Huang, H.-C. Yang, and F.-T. Cheng "Development of an Automatic Virtual Metrology Framework for TFT-LCD Industry" Proc. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, pp. 879-884, August, 2010.(NSC98-2622-E-006-009)
32. F.-T. Cheng, J. Y.-C. Chang, H.-C. Huang, C.-A. Kao, Y.-L. Chen, and J.-L. Peng "Configuring AVM as a MES Component" Proc. the 21st Annual IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC 2010), San Francisco, CA., U.S.A., pp. 226-231, July, 2010.(982C06, NCKU Landmark Project)
33. W.-H. Tsai, F.-T. Cheng, W.-M. Wu, and T.-H. Lin "Developing a Dual-Stage Indirect Virtual Metrology Architecture" Proc. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A., pp. 2107-2112, May, 2010.(NSC 96-2622-E-006-043, NSC98-2622-E-006-009, NCKU Landmark Project)
34. W.-M. Wu, F.-T. Cheng, T.-H. Lin, D.-L. Zeng, J.-F. Chen, and M.-H. Hung "Advanced Studies of Selection Schemes for Dual Virtual-Metrology Outputs" Proc. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Bangalore, India, pp. 421-426, August, 2009.(NSC 96-2622-E-006-043, NSC98-2622-E-006-009, NCKU Landmark Project)
35. Y.-T. Huang, F.-T. Cheng, and M.-H. Hung "Developing a Product Quality Fault Detection Scheme" Proc. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Kobe, pp. 927-932, Japan, May , 2009.(NSC 96-2622-E-006-043)
36. W.-M. Wu, F.-T. Cheng, D.-L. Zeng, and T.-H. Lin "Developing A Selection Scheme for Dual Virtual-Metrology Outputs" Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., pp. 230-235, August 2008.(NSC 96-2622-E-006-043, NCKU Landmark Project)
37. Y.-T. Huang, H.-C. Huang, F.-T. Cheng, T.-S. Liao, and F.-C. Chang "Automatic Virtual Metrology System Design and Implementation" Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., pp. 223-229, August 2008.(NSC 96-2622-E-006-043)
38. T.-H. Lin, F.-T. Cheng, A.-J. Ye, and W.-M. Wu "A Novel Key-variable Sifting Algorithm for Virtual Metrology" Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Pasadena, California, U.S.A., pp. 3636-3641, May 2008.(NSC 95-2622-E-006-002, NCKU Landmark Project)
39. Y.-C. Su, W.-H. Tsai, F.-T. Cheng, and W.-M. Wu "Development of a Dual-Stage Virtual Metrology Architecture for TFT-LCD Manufacturing" Proc. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Pasadena, California, U.S.A., pp. 3630-3635, May 2008.(NSC 96-2622-E-006-043)
40. Y.-C. Su, T.-H. Lin, F.-T. Cheng, and W.-M. Wu "Implementation Considerations of Various Virtual Metrology Algorithms" Proc. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A., pp. 276-281, September 2007.(NSC 95-2622-E-006-002)
41. H.-C. Huang, Y.-C. Su, F.-T. Cheng, and J.-M. Jian "Development of a Generic Virtual Metrology Framework" Proc. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A., pp. 282-287, September 2007.(NSC 95-2622-E-006-002)
42. F.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Huang, and C.-K. Kao "Development of a Dual-Phase Virtual Metrology Scheme" Proc. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A., pp. 270-275, September 2007.(NSC 95-2622-E-006-002)
43. F.-T. Cheng, Y.-T. Chen, Y.-C. Su, and D.-L. Zeng "Method for Evaluating Reliance Level of a Virtual Metrology System" Proc. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Roma, Italy, pp.1590-1596, April 2007.(NSC 95-2622-E-006-002)
44. J. Chang, F.-T. Cheng, and T.-L. Wang "Novel Semiconductor Business Model – Engineering Chain for the Semiconductor Industry" Proc. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Roma, Italy, pp.1597-1602, April 2007.(NSC 95-2221-E-006-347-MY3)
45. Y.-T. Huang, F.-T. Cheng, and Y.-T. Chen "Importance of Data Quality in Virtual Metrology" Proc. of the 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2006), Paris, France, pp.3727-3732, November 2006.(NSC 95-2622-E-006-002)
46. J. Chang and F.-T. Cheng "Manufacturability of Multivariate Applications in the Semiconductor Industry" Proc. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Shanghai, China, pp.240-245, October 2006.(NSC 95-2622-E-006-002)
47. T.-H. Lin, M.-H. Hung, R.-C. Lin, and F.-T. Cheng "A Virtual Metrology Scheme for Predicting CVD Thickness in Semiconductor Manufacturing" Proc. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., pp.1054-1059, May 2006.(NSC 94-2622-E-006-001)
48. Y.-T. Chen, H.-C. Yang, and F.-T. Cheng "Simulation Assessment of Multivariate for Virtual Metrology" Proc. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., pp. 1048-1053, May 2006.(NSC 94-2622-E-006-001)
49. J. Chang and F.-T. Cheng "Application Development of Virtual Metrology in Semiconductor Industry" Proc. of the 31st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2005), Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A., pp. 124-129, November 2005.(NSC 94-2622-E-006-001)
50. J. Chang and F.-T. Cheng "Framework Development of an Engineering-Chain-Management-System for the Semiconductor Industry" Proc. the 3rd International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics – INDIN’05, Perth, Western Australia, August 2005.(NSC 93-2212-E-006-022)
51. Y.-C. Su, M.-H. Hung, F.-T. Cheng, and T.-P. Lee "Development of a Data Pre-processing Scheme and Pluggable Application Modules for an Intelligent Equipment Prognostics System" Proc. the 3rd International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics – INDIN’05, Perth, Western Australia, August 2005.(NSC 92-2212-E-006-098, NSC 93-2622-E-006-005)
52. M.-H. Hung, F.-Y. Hsu, Z.-L. Wang, F.-T. Cheng, R. Lai, and T. Huang "A Secure Collaborative e-Diagnostics Framework for Semiconductor Factories" Proc. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Edmonton, Canada, pp. 185-190, August 2005.(NSC 93-2212-E-014-001, NSC 93-2212-E-006-023)
53. J. Chang and F.-T. Cheng "Engineering-Chain Requirements for Semiconductor Industry" Proc. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Edmonton, Canada, pp. 381-386, August 2005.(NSC 93-2212-E-006-023)
54. Y.-C. Su, F.-T. Cheng, Y.-C. Lin, and R.-C. Lin "Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Prognostics System" Proc. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Edmonton, Canada, pp. 273-278, August 2005.(NSC 92-2212-E-006-098, NSC 93-2622-E-006-005)
55. F.-T. Cheng, S.-L. Wu, P.-Y. Tsai, Y.-T. Chung, and H.-C. Yang "Application Cluster Service Scheme for Near-Zero-Downtime Services" Proc. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 4073-4078, April 2005.(NSC 93-2212-E-006-022, NSC 91-2622-E-006-109)
56. Y.-C. Su, F.-T. Cheng, G.-W. Huang, M.-H. Hung, and T. Yang "A Quality Prognostics Scheme for Semiconductor and TFT-LCD Manufacturing Processes" Proc. of the 30th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2004), Busan, Korea, November 2004.(NSC 92-2212-E-006-098, NSC 93-2622-E-006-005)
57. F.-T. Cheng and C.-T. Lin "A Holonic Information Exchange System for e-Manufacturing" Proc. of the 30th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2004), Busan, Korea, November 2004.(NSC 91-2212-E-006-061)
58. M.-H. Hung, R. W. Ho, and F.-T. Cheng "An e-Diagnostics Framework with Security Considerations for Semiconductor Factories" Proc. 2004 IEEE Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Workshop, HsinChu, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 37-40, September 9-10, 2004.(NSC 92-2212-E-006-098)
59. F.-T. Cheng, G.-W. Huang, C.-H. Chen, and M.-H. Hung "A Generic Embedded Device for Retrieving and Transmitting Information of Various Customized Applications" Proc. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., pp. 978-983, April 2004.(NSC 92-2212-E-006-099, NSC 93-2622-E-006-005)
60. Y.-C. Yang and F.-T. Cheng "Development of an Autonomous and Generic Remote Control Scheme" Proc. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., pp. 990-995, April 2004.
61. M.-H. Hung, F.-T. Cheng, and S.-C. Yeh "Developing a Web-services-based e-Diagnostics Framework" Proc. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 596-603, September 2003.(NSC 92-2212-E-006-098)
62. F.-T. Cheng, C.-H. Wang, and Y.-C. Su "Development of a Generic Tester for Distributed Object-Oriented Systems" Proc. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 1723-1730, September 2003.(NSC 91-2212-E-006-061)
63. Y.-C. Yang and F.-T. Cheng "An Autonomous and Universal Remote Control Scheme" Proc. of the 28th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’02), Sevilla, Spain, pp. 2266-2271, November 2002.
64. M.-H. Hung, C.-H. Tsai, F.-T. Cheng, and H.-C. Yang "A Novel Ethernet-Based Equipment Integration Framework for Factory Automation" Proc. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washington DC, U.S.A., pp. 781-786, May 2002.(NSC 90-2212-E-014-009)
65. F.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Yang, and C.-Y. Tsai "Development of a Service Management Scheme for Semiconductor Factory Management Systems" Proc. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washington DC, U.S.A., pp. 3607-3612, May 2002.(NSC 90-2212-E-006-075 & NSC 91-2622-E-006-004)
66. F.-T. Cheng, S.-L. Wu, and C.-F. Chang "Systematic Approach for Developing Holonic Manufacturing Execution Systems" Proc. the 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’01), Denver, Colorado, U. S. A., pp. 261-266, November 2001.(NSC 89-2212-E-006-094)
67. M.-H. Hung, F.-T. Cheng, and J.-K. Ting "A Novel Quantitative Measure of Redundancy for Kinematically Redundant Manipulators" Proc. 2001 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Seoul, Korea, pp. 4060-4065, May 2001.(NSC 88-2212-E-006-095)
68. F.-T. Cheng, H.-C. Yang, J.-Y. Lin, and M.-H. Hung "The Development of Holonic Information Coordination Systems with Security Considerations and Error-Recovery Capabilities" Proc. 2001 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Seoul, Korea, pp.1832-1838, May 2001.(NSC 89-2212-E-006-099)
69. F.-T. Cheng, M.-T. Lin, and R.-S. Lee "Developing a Web-enabled Equipment Driver for Semiconductor Equipment Communications" Proc. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, California, U.S.A., pp. 2203-2210, April 2000.(NSC 89-2212-E-006-042 & NSC 89-2622-E-006-002)
70. F.-T. Cheng, C.-W. Chen, and M.-H. Hung "Redundancy Indices of Kinematically Redundant Manipulators" Proc. 2000 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, 2000.(NSC 88-2212-E-006-095)
71. J.-Y. Deng, F.-T. Cheng, and K. Nguyen "Development of an Object-Based Equipment Controller for Semiconductor Equipment Communications" Proc. the 25th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’99), San Jose, California, U. S. A., November 1999.(NSC 88-2218-E-006-017)
72. H.-C. Yang, F.-T. Cheng, and D. Huang "Development of a Generic Equipment Manager for Semiconductor Manufacturing" Proc. 7th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA’99), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, pp. 727-732, October 1999.(NSC 88-2218-E-006-017, NSC 89-2212-E-006-042)
73. E. Huang, F.-T. Cheng, and H.-C. Yang "Development of a Collaborative and Event-Driven Supply Chain Information System Using Mobile Object Technology" Proc. 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., pp. 1776-1781, May 1999.(NSC 88-2218-E-006-003)
74. F.-T. Cheng, H.-L. Lee, and D. E. Orin "Increasing the Locomotive Stability Margin of Multilegged Vehicles" Proc. 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., pp. 1708-1714, May 1999.(NSC 88-2212-E-006-095)
75. F.-T. Cheng, T.-L. Kuo, and C. Feng "Modeling and Analysis for an Equipment Manager of the Manufacturing Execution System in Semiconductor Packaging Factories" Proc. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San Diego, California, U.S.A., pp. 469-474, October 1998.(NSC 87-2218-E-006-002)
76. F.-T. Cheng, E. Shen, J.-Y. Deng, and K. Nguyen "Development of a Distributed Object-Oriented System Framework for the Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Execution System" Proc. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 2116-2121, May 1998.(NSC 86-2212-E-006-036, NSC 87-2218-E-006-001)
77. J.-S. Chen, F.-T. Cheng, K.-T. Yang, F.-C. Kung, and Y.-Y. Sun "Solving the Optimal Force Distribution Problem in Multilegged Vehicles" Proc. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 471-476, May 1998.(NSC 86-2213-E-006-0420
78. J.-S. Chen, F.-T. Cheng, and F.-C. Kung "Study and Resolution of Singularities for a 7-DOF Redundant Manipulator" Proc. 1997 IEEE Industrial Electronics Society International Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., pp. 1438-1443, November 1997.(NSC 85-2213-E-006-065)
79. F.-T. Cheng, M.-S. Shih, F.-C. Kung, and Y.-Y. Sun "The Improved Parallel Scheme for Multiple-Goal Priority Considerations of Redundant Manipulators" Proc. 1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A., pp. 2409-2414, April 1997.(NSC 85-2213-E-006-065)
80. F.-T. Cheng, Y.-D. Lu, and Y.-Y. Sun "Window-Shaped Obstacle Avoidance for a Redundant Manipulator" Proc. 1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A., pp. 556-561 April 1997.(NSC 85-2213-E-006-065)
81. F.-T. Cheng "An Efficient Method for Obtaining the General Solution for the Force Balance Equations with Hard Point Contacts" Proc. the IEEE 22nd Annual International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, IECON’96, Taipei, R.O.C., vol. 3, pp. 1896-1901, August 1996.(NSC 85-2213-E-006-065)
82. F.-T. Cheng, F.-M. Chang, and Y.-Y. Sun "Multiple-Goal Considerations for Redundant Manipulators" Proc. 1996 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Minneapolis, U.S.A., vol. 2, pp. 1768-1774, April 1996.(NSC 84-2212-E-006-042)
83. F.-T. Cheng, T.-L. Hour, T.-H. Chen, Y.-Y. Sun, and F.-C. Kung "Study and Resolution of Singularities for a 6-DOF PUMA Manipulator" Proc. 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vancouver, Canada, vol. 5, pp.4410-4415, October 1995.(NSC 83-0422-E-006-091)
84. F.-T. Cheng, T.-L. Hour, Y.-Y. Sun, and F.-C. Kung "Analysis and Resolution of Singularities for a 5-DOF GRYPHON Manipulator" Proc. 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vancouver, Canada, vol. 5, pp. 4416-4421, October 1995.(NSC 83-0422-E-006-091)
85. F.-T. Cheng, W.-M. Wang, and F.-C. Kung "Priority Considerations for Multiple Goals of Redundant Manipulators" Proc. 1994 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, San Antonio, U.S.A., vol. 1, pp. 264-269, October 1994.(NSC 82-0422-E-006-047)
86. F.-T. Cheng, R.-J. Sheu, T.-H. Chen, and F.-C. Kung "The Improved Compact QP Method for Resolving Manipulator Redundancy" Proc. IROS\'94 IEEE/RSJ/GI International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Munich, Germany, vol. 2, pp. 1368-1376, September 1994.(NSC 82-0422-E-006-047)
87. F.-T. Cheng, T.-H. Chen, Y.-S. Wang, and Y.-Y. Sun "Obstacle Avoidance for Redundant Manipulators Using the Compact QP Method" Proc. 1993 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Atlanta, Georgia, vol. 3, pp. 262-269, May 1993.(NSC 81-0422-E-006-04)
88. F.-T. Cheng, T.-H. Chen, and Y.-Y. Sun "Efficient Algorithm for Resolving Manipulator Redundancy --- The Compact QP Method" Proc. 1992 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics Automat., Nice, France, pp. 508-513, May 1992.(NSC 81-0422-E-006-04)
89. F.-T. Cheng, T.-H. Chen, and Y.-Y. Sun "Inverse Kinematic Solutions for Redundant Manipulators Using Compact Formulation" Proc. IROS'91 IEEE/RSJ International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Osaka, Japan, pp. 153-158, November 1991.(NSC 80-0422-E-006-02)
90. T.-H. Chen, F.-T. Cheng, and Y.-Y. Sun "Relationship Between the Pseudoinverse Formulation and the Compact Formulation for Obtaining the General Solutions of Redundant Robotic Systems" Proc. 1991 IEEE International Conference IECON'91, Kobe, Japan, pp. 1164-1169, Oct. 28 - Nov. 1, 1991.(NSC 80-0422-E-006-02)
91. F.-T. Cheng and D. E. Orin "Efficient Algorithm for Optimal Force Distribution in Multiple-Chain Robotic Mechanisms --- The Compact-Dual LP Method" Proc. 1989 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics Automat., pp. 943-950, May 1989.
92. D. E. Orin, C. K. Tsai and F.-T. Cheng "Dynamic Computer Control of a Robot Leg" Proc. 1983 IEEE Industrial Electronics Society International Conference IECON\'83, San Francisco, California, pp. 256-262, November 1983.
1. M.-H. Hung, Y.-C. Lin, H.-C. Yang, and F.-T. Cheng "New Intelligent Equipment Monitoring Architecture based on Cloud Computing" Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing (ICAM 2012), Jiaosi, Yilan, Taiwan, R.O.C., March 2012.
2. H.-C. Yang, K.-J. Liu, M.-H. Hung, and F.-T. Cheng "Drill-Path Optimization with Time Limit and Thermal Protection" Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing (ICAM 2012), Jiaosi, Yilan, Taiwan, R.O.C., March 2012.
3. M.-H. Hung, Y.-C. Lin, L.-W. Huang, W.-C. Sun, and F.-T. Cheng "E-Manufacturing Frameworks based on Cloud Computing" Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing (ICAM 2012), Jiaosi, Yilan, Taiwan, R.O.C., March 2012.
4. L.-R. Lin, Y.-C. Chiu, W.-C. Mo, C.-A. Kao, T.-M. Liu, D.-L. Zeng, and F.-T. Cheng "Run-to-Run Control Utilizing the AVM System in the Solar Industry" e-Manufacturing & Design Collaboration Symposium 2011 - A Joint Symposium with International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing (ISSM) 2011, Hsinchu, Taiwan, September, 2011.(99RC03, Foresight Technology Company, Ltd. Research Project)
5. W. Tann, C.-H. Kuo, S.-W. Wu, F.-T. Cheng, and M.-H. Hung "Enable the Interface A Like Module with Interoperability among Heterogeneous Systems" Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2009), Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., June 27, 2009.(NSC 96-2221-E-006-280-MY3)
6. S.-W. Wu, M.-H. Hung, J.-J. Siao, F.-T. Cheng, W. Tann, and C.-H. Kuo "SOA-based System Data Exchange Architecture with Generic Communication Interfaces" Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2009), Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 100-105, June 27, 2009.(NSC 96-2221-E-006-279-MY3)
7. M.-H. Hung, S.-W. Wu, Z.-L. Wang, F.-T. Cheng, and Y.-Y. Feng "Development of an Efficient Web-Services-based Data Exchange Scheme for Semiconductor Engineering Chain" Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2009), Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 289-294, June 27, 2009.(NSC 95-2221-E-006-347-MY3, NSC 96-2221-E-006-279-MY3)
8. M.-H. Hung, R.-J. Huang, and F.-T. Cheng "Development of an e-Diagnostics System for Semiconductor Equipment Using Data Mining and Ontology" Proc. of the Seventh International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2003), Chia-Yi, Taiwan, R.O.C., September 2003.(NSC 91-2212-E-014-011)
9. 趙志斌、鄭芳田、楊浩青、林仁宇 "發展全方位資訊協調系統" 教育部八十八年度製造科技領域技術論文競賽, 新竹, 中華民國八十九年六月二十七日。
10. 鄭芳田、李浩倫、鄧俊彥、黃富鴻、趙志彬、楊浩青 "自動化科技在半導體封裝廠上之應用" 第十一屆全國自動化科技研討會, 嘉義, pp. 937-944, 中華民國八十八年七月。
11. 楊浩青、蕭學偉、郭晉旭、鄭芳田 "網路化製造資訊之研究" 第十一屆全國自動化科技研討會, 嘉義, pp. 1021-1026, 中華民國八十八年七月。
12. J.-Y. Deng, F.-T. Cheng, and K. Nguyen "Development of an Object-Based Equipment in the MES Framework Environment" Proc. of the Fifth International Conference on Automation Technology & 1998 International Conference of Production Research (Asia Meeting), Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., B3-2, 20-22 July, 1998.(873K67BN1, NSC 87-2218-E-006-002)
13. 沈學琪、鄭芳田、鄧俊彥、黃富鴻 "以分散式物件導向技術發展電腦整合製造執行系統架構" 第十屆全國自動化科技研討會, 台中, pp. 143-150, 中華民國八十六年十月四日。(NSC 86-2212-E-006-036, NSC 87-2218-E-006-001)
14. 郭宗樑、鄭芳田、馮澄澈 "半導體封裝廠製造執行系統之機台監控器的模型建立與分析" 第十屆全國自動化科技研討會, 台中, pp. 157-164, 中華民國八十六年十月四日。(NSC 86-2212-E-006-036)
15. 黃國書、鄭芳田 "以分散式物件導向方法發展通用型半導體機台監控器" 第十屆全國自動化科技研討會,台中, pp. 135-142, 中華民國八十六年十月四日。(NSC 86-2212-E-006-036, NSC 87-2218-E-006-002)
16. J.-J. Lee, F.-T. Cheng, T.-H. Chen, and F.-C. Kung "Coordination and Control for a Dual Redundant Manipulator System" Proc. of 17th National Symposium on Automatic Control, Taiwan, R.O.C., March 1994.(NSC 82-0422-E-006-047)
17. M.-H. Hung, F.-T. Cheng, and Y.-Y. Sun "Control Scheme of Kinematically Redundant Manipulators with Torque Optimization" Proc. of 16th National Symposium on Automatic Control, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 123-129, March 1993.(NSC 81-0422-E-006-04)
18. G.-W. Lee and F.-T. Cheng "Robust Control of Robotic Manipulators" Proc. of 16th National Symposium on Automatic Control, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 230-235, March 1993.(NSC 81-0422-E-006-04)
19. D. E. Orin and F.-T. Cheng "General Dynamic Formulation for the Force Distribution Equations" Proc. Fourth International Conference on Advanced Robotics, pp.525-546, Columbus, Ohio, June 1989.
計畫名稱 | 起迄日期 | 補助單位 |
研發適用於全廠設備之智慧型預測保養系統 | 2019 ~ 2022 | 科技部 |
特約研究計畫:研發適用於全廠設備之智慧型預測保養系統 | 2019 ~ 2022 | 科技部 |
基於容器技術之先進製造物聯雲(3/3) | 2020 ~ 2021 | 科技部 |
基於容器技術之先進製造物聯雲(3/3) | 2020 ~ 2021 | 科技部 |
基於容器技術之先進製造物聯雲(3/3) | 2020 ~ 2021 | 科技部 |
基於容器技術之先進製造物聯雲(2/3) | 2019 ~ 2020 | 科技部 |
基於容器技術之先進製造物聯雲--基於容器技術之先進製造物聯雲(1/3) | 2018 ~ 2019 | 科技部 |
先進製造物聯雲(3/3) | 2018 ~ 2019 | 科技部 |
特約研究計畫:適用於工具機產業的工業4.1架構 | 2016 ~ 2019 | 科技部 |
晶圓廠生產機台維修成功率提升控片減少與量測規劃 | 2015 ~ 2018 | 科技部 |
先進製造物聯雲(2/3) | 2017 ~ 2018 | 科技部 |
關鍵站點搜尋演算法在面板業的應用(1/2) | 2016 ~ 2017 | 科技部 |
先進製造物聯雲(1/3) | 2016 ~ 2017 | 科技部 |
先進製造物聯雲 | 2015 ~ 2016 | 科技部 |
AVM之精進與延伸應用 | 2013 ~ 2015 | 科技部 |
智慧型製造雲 | 2013 ~ 2015 | 科技部 |
AVM系統在晶圓廠之量產應用(2/2) | 2014 ~ 2015 | 科技部 |
AVM系統在晶圓廠之量產應用(1/2) | 2013 ~ 2014 | 科技部 |
適用於鋼鐵生產之先進錯誤偵測與分類系統 | 2011 ~ 2013 | 國科會 |
適用於結構複雜的製程機台之智慧型預測保養系統 | 2011 ~ 2013 | 國科會 |
通用型預測架構之設計與實作 | 2010 ~ 2013 | 國科會 |
智慧型製造雲 (I) | 2012 ~ 2013 | 國科會 |
雲端運算通用型預測系統 | 2010 ~ 2011 | 國科會 |
發展具全自動虛擬量測技術之先進製程控制於太陽能電池抗反射層製程品質提升 | 2010 ~ 2011 | 國科會 |
應用全自動化型虛擬量測技術提升太陽能電池抗反射層製程良率 | 2009 ~ 2010 | 國科會 |
智慧型設備工程系統 - 子計畫二:智慧型效能評估器之設計與實作 | 2007 ~ 2010 | 國科會 |
自動化學門研究發展及推動小組 | 2006 ~ 2010 | 國科會 |
智慧型設備工程系統 - 總計畫 | 2007 ~ 2010 | 國科會 |
發展半導體工程鏈管理系統 - 子計畫一:工程鏈管理系統之設計與實作 | 2006 ~ 2009 | 國科會 |
發展半導體工程鏈管理系統 - 總計畫 | 2006 ~ 2009 | 國科會 |
發展半導體機台網路式診斷與預防保養系統 - 子計畫一:半導體機台網路式診斷與預防保養系統之嵌入式架構設計與實作 | 2003 ~ 2006 | 國科會 |
發展半導體機台網路式診斷與預防保養系統 - 總計畫 | 2003 ~ 2006 | 國科會 |
半導體全方位供應鏈系統建構與性能評估 - 子計畫一:發展半導體全方位製造執行系統 | 2000 ~ 2003 | 國科會 |
半導體全方位供應鏈系統建構與性能評估 - 總計畫 | 2000 ~ 2003 | 國科會 |
半導體封裝廠電腦整合製造執行系統技術研發(III)- 總計畫 | 1999 ~ 2000 | 國科會 |
半導體封裝廠電腦整合製造執行系統技術研發(III)- 子計畫一:半導體封裝廠機台整合與監控技術研發 | 1999 ~ 2000 | 國科會 |
計畫名稱 | 起迄日期 | 補助單位 |
虛擬生產管制系統前瞻技術研發二年計畫 | 2009 ~ 2011 | 經濟部 |
虛擬量測自動化架構與管理系統研發 | 2007 ~ 2010 | 奇美/國科會 |
機械設備智慧型故障診斷與預警平台引進 | 2008 ~ 2009 | 精密機械研究發展中心 |
以服務導向架構為基礎之系統資料交換介面建立 | 2008 ~ 2009 | 中鋼 |
建構國際機器人與嵌入式系統線上教學平台 | 2008 ~ 2009 | 網趨科技 |
CMOS原件良率預測模式之建構 | 2007 ~ 2008 | 台積電 |
設備工程系統之設計與實作 | 2006 ~ 2007 | 奇美/國科會 |
智慧型預測保養系統之設計與實作 | 2004 ~ 2006 | 均豪/群錄/國科會 |
具失效偵測與功能取代能力的通用型廠區監控系統研發 | 2002 ~ 2003 | 群錄/錄海/國科會 |
半導體封裝廠通用型機台監控系統研發 | 1999 ~ 2001 | 矽品/國科會 |