特聘教授 兼 成大醫院健康數據資源中心執行長
資訊系 / 資訊所 / AI學程 / 醫資所 / 成大醫院
  資訊系館新大樓11F 65B06
  06-2757575 ext 62534
      (資訊系館新大樓6F 65604)
美國 \ 美國密蘇里大學 \ 電機暨電腦工程所 \ 博士(1992 ~ 1995)
美國 \ 美國密蘇里大學 \ 電機暨電腦工程所 \ 碩士(1990 ~ 1992)
台灣 \ 國立台灣科技大學 \ 電機工程系 \ 學士(1987 ~ 1989)
國立成功大學醫學院附設醫院 \ 健康數據資源中心 \ 執行長 (2020 ~ now)
美國 \ 系統生物學研究院(ISB) \ 合聘教授 (2012 ~ now)
國立成功大學 \ 資訊工程學系 \ 特聘教授 (2012 ~ now)
國立成功大學 \ 資訊工程學系 \ 教授 (1999 ~ now)
國立成功大學 \ 醫學院附設醫院 \ 資訊長 (2019 ~ 2020)
國立成功大學 \ 醫學院附設醫院資訊室 \ 主任 (2019 ~ 2019)
國立成功大學 \ 醫學院老年學研究所 \ 兼任教授 (2017 ~ 2020)
國立成功大學 \ 計算機與網路中心 \ 主任 (2013 ~ 2019)
國立成功大學 \ 圖書館 \ 副館長 (2009 ~ 2013)
工研院 \ 電通所 \ 研究員 (1995 ~ 1996)
專利 | METHOD OF AN INTERACTIVE HEALTH STATUS ASSESSMENT AND SYSTEM THEREOF | 美國 | 國立成功大學 | 蔣榮先、楊珮菁 | US10978209B2 | 2021/4/13-2041/04/13 |
專利 | 互動式健康狀態評估系統及其方法 | 中華民國 | 國立成功大學 | 蔣榮先、楊珮菁 | I659429 | 2019/5/11-2038/11/29 |
專利 | 対話型健康状態評価方法およびそのシステム | 日本 | 國立成功大學 | 蔣榮先、楊珮菁 | JP2022510350A | 2021/5/28-2038/11/30 |
專利 | 互动式健康状态评估方法及其系统 | 中國 | 國立成功大學 | 蔣榮先、楊珮菁 | ZL 2018 8 0098934.X | 2018/11/30-2038/11/30 |
2023 獲選2022年度科學影響力「全球前 2% 頂尖科學家」
2022 獲選2021年度科學影響力「全球前 2% 頂尖科學家」
2012-2022 榮獲成功大學特聘教授殊榮
2022 獲選台灣醫療科技展InnoZone的十大亮點之一
2022 獲聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)推舉為全球最傑出的百大團隊
2021 獲聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)推舉為全球最頂尖的十大AI團隊
2020-2022 第19屆國家新創獎
2020-2021 2021未來科技獎
2020 獲選「100MVP經理人」
2019 資訊傑出人才獎
2008-2009 美國李氏基金會 傑出學者獎(Li Foundation Fellow)
2020迄今 行政院數位國家創新經濟推動小組民間諮詢委員會委員
2019迄今 國家醫療品質獎(NHQA) 評審委員
2016迄今 中華民國大專校院資訊服務協會 理事
2016迄今 ISO 27001 資訊安全管理制度-合格主導稽核員(Lead Auditor)
2017迄今BS 10012 個人資訊管理制度-合格主導稽核員(Lead Auditor)
2010迄今 IEEE 計算智慧學會 「生醫工程與生物資訊技術委員會」
2007迄今 高等教育評鑑中心 評鑑委員
2007迄今 台灣生物資訊學會 常務理事
2004迄今 Senior Member, IEEE Society
2022-2023 數位發展部資料應用跨域協作與輔導試辦服務輔導專家
2017-2022 第17-22屆 亞太資訊訊科技聯盟大賽(APICTA Awards) 國際評審
2017 擔任國家代表裁判並帶領台灣代表隊至孟加拉參加國際競賽
2021 大專院校資訊應用服務創新競賽InnoServe評審委員
2019-2021 台灣醫學資訊學會理事
2017-2021 第22-26屆大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽 評審
2020 JISE Associate Editors
2018 TCSE 台灣軟體工程研討會 大會主席
2015-2017 TANET臺灣網際網路研討會
2016 考試院考選部 特考召集人、典試委員
2011-2013 Asian Association of Societies for Bioinformatics (亞洲生物資訊學會) 理事長
2006-2009 中華民國模糊學會 第六屆理事
2005-2007 中華民國人工智慧學會 第七屆常務理事
1. 蔣榮先 "從A I到智慧醫療" 城邦集團商周出版社 2020年
2.蔣榮先 "當數位轉型碰上生成式AI" 城邦集團商周出版社 2024年
Cong-Phuoc Phan, Ben Phan, Jung-Hsien Chiang/ Oct 2024 / Optimized biomedical entity relation extraction method with data augmentation and classification using GPT-4 and Gemini / Database / 2024, baae104
Hui-O Chen, Yuan-Chi Cui, Peng-Chan Lin, Jung-Hsien Chiang / June 2024 / An Innovative Multi-Omics Model Integrating Latent Alignment and Attention Mechanism for Drug Response Prediction/ Journal of Personalized Medicine/ 14(7), 694
Mu-Hung Tsai, Joseph TC Chang, Hsi-Huei Lu, Yuan-Hua Wu, Tzu-Hui Pao, Yung-Jen Cheng, Wen-Yen Zheng, Chen-Yu Chou, Jing-Han Lin, Tsung Yu, Jung-Hsien Chiang / December 2023 / Development and validation of a machine learning model of radiation-induced hypothyroidism with clinical and dose–volume features / Radiotherapy and Oncology / 189,109911
Hsin-Hsiung Chang, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Chun-Chieh Tsai, Ping-Fang Chiu / June 2023 / Predicting Hyperkalemia inPatients with Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease Using The XGBoost Model / BMC nephrology / 24(1),169
Pei-Chen Tsai, Tsung-Hua Lee, Kun-Chi Kuo, Fang-Yi Su, Tsung-Lu Michael Lee, Eliana Marostica, Tomotaka Ugai, Melissa Zhao, Mai Chan Lau, Juha P Väyrynen, Marios Giannakis, Yasutoshi Takashima, Seyed Mousavi Kahaki, Kana Wu, Mingyang Song, Jeffrey A Meyerhardt, Andrew T Chan, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Jonathan Nowak, Shuji Ogino, Kun-Hsing Yu/ April 2023 / Histopathology Images Predict Multi-Omics Aberrations and Prognoses in Colorectal Cancer Catients / Nature Communications / 14(1),2102
Hsin-Hsiung Chang, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Chi-Shiang Wang, Ping-Fang Chiu, Khaled Abdel-Kader, Huiwen Chen, Edward D Siew, Jonathan Yabes, Raghavan Murugan, Gilles Clermont, Paul M Palevsky, Manisha Jhamb / September 2022 / Predicting Mortality Using Machine Learning Algorithms in Patients Who Require Renal Replacement Therapy in the Critical Care Unit / Journal of Clinical Medicine / 11(18), 5289
Chi-Shiang Wang, Fang-Yi Su, Jung-Hsien
Chiang / July 2022 / MedCheX: An Efficient COVID-19 Detection Model for
Clinical Usage / Journal of Information Science & Engineering / 38(4),
Pei-Yi Hao, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Yu-De
Chen / May 2022 / Possibilistic Classification by Support Vector Networks / Neural
Networks / 149,40-56
Ching-Ju Chiu,Lin-Chun Hua,Chieh-Ying
Chou,Jung-Hsien Chiang / April 2022 / Robot-Enhanced Diabetes Care for
Middle-Aged and Older Adults Living with Diabetes in the Community: A Small
Sample Size Mixed-Method Evaluation / Plos One / 17(4),e0265384
Jung-Hsien Chiang, Chung-Yao Ma,
Chi-Shiang Wang, Pei-Yi Hao / January 2022 / An Adaptive, Context-Aware, and
Stacked Attention Network-Based Recommendation System to Capture Users Temporal
Preference / IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering / 1-1
Sina Abdollahi,Seyedeh Zahra
Dehghanian,Liang-Yi Hung,Shiang-Jie Yang,Dao-Peng Chen,L Jeffrey Medeiros,
Jung-Hsien Chiang, Kung-Chao Chang / October 2021 / Deciphering Genes
Associated with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma with Lymphomatous Effusions: A
Mutational Accumulation Scoring Approach / Biomark Research / 9(1),74
Hui-O Chen,Peng-Chan Lin,Chen-Ruei
Liu,Chi-Shiang Wang,Jung-Hsien Chiang /
October 2021 / Contextualizing Genes by Using Text-Mined Co-Occurrence Features
for Cancer Gene Panel Discovery / Frontiers in Genetic / 12,771435
Sina Abdollahi,Peng-Chan
Lin,Jung-Hsien Chiang / October 2021 / WinBinVec: Cancer-Associated
Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction and Identification of 20 Various Cancer
Types and Metastasis Using Different Deep Learning Models / IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health
Informatics / 25(10),4052-4063
Sina Abdollahi, Peng-Chan Lin, Meng-Ru
Shen, Jung-Hsien Chiang / July 2021 / Precise Uncertain Significance Prediction
Using Latent Space Matrix Factorization Models: Genomics Variant and
Heterogeneous Clinical Data-Driven Approaches / Briefings in Bioinformatics / 22(4),
Cheng-Yi Kao,Chiao-Yun Lin,Cheng-Chen
Chao,Han-Sheng Huang,Hsing-Yu Lee,Chia-Ming Chang,Kang Sung,Ting Rong
Chen,Po-Chang Chiang,Li-Ting Huang,Bow Wang,Yi-Sheng Liu,Jung-Hsien
Chiang,Chien-Kuo Wang,Yi-Shan Tsai / June 2021 / Automated Radiology Alert
System for Pneumothorax Detection on Chest Radiographs Improves Efficiency and
Diagnostic Performance / Diagnostics / 2021,11(7),1182
Chi-Shiang Wang,Bo-Syun
Chen,Jung-Hsien Chiang / June 2021/ TDD-BPR: The Topic Diversity Discovering on
Bayesian Personalized Ranking for Personalized Recommender System / Neurocomputing / 441, 202-213
Sina Abdollahi, Peng-Chan Lin, Jung-Hsien Chiang / May 2021 / DiaDeL: An Accurate Deep Learning-Based Model with Mutational Signatures for Predicting Metastasis Stage and Cancer Types / IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics / 19(3),1336-1343
Peng-Chan Lin,Hui-O Chen,Chih-Jung
Lee,Yu-Min Yeh,Meng-Ru Shen,Jung-Hsien Chiang / January 2021 / Comprehensive
Assessments of Germline Deletion Structural Variants Reveal the Association
between Prognostic MUC4 and CEP72 Deletions and Immune Response Gene Expression
in Colorectal Cancer Patients / Human Genomics / 15(1),3
Ping-Yen Liu,Yi-Shan Tsai,Po-Lin
Chen,Huey-Pin Tsai,Ling-Wei Hsu,Chi-Shiang Wang,Nan-Yao Lee,Mu-Shiang
Huang,Yun-Chiao Wu,Wen-Chien Ko,Yi-Ching Yang,Jung-Hsien Chiang,Meng-Ru Shen /
October 2020 / Application of an Artificial Intelligence Trilogy to Accelerate
Processing of Suspected Patients With SARS-CoV-2 at a Smart Quarantine Station:
Observational Study / Journal of Medical Internet Research / 22(10):e19878
Mu-Shiang Huang, Chi-Shiang Wang,
Jung-Hsien Chiang, Ping-Yen Liu, Wei-Chuan Tsai / September 2020 / Automated
Recognition of Regional Wall Motion Abnormalities Through Deep Neural Network
Interpretation of Transthoracic Echocardiography / Circulation / 142(16),1510-1520
Kun-Hsing Yu, Tsung-Lu Michael Lee,
Ming-Hsuan Yen, S. C. Kou, Bruce Rosen, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Isaac S. Kohane /
August 2020 / Reproducible Machine Learning Methods for Lung Cancer Detection
Using Computed Tomography Images / Journal of Medical Internet Research / 22(8),e16709
D.A. Devyatkin1, A.I. Molodchenkov1,
A.V. Lukin1, Y.S. Kim, A.A. Boyko, P.A. Karalkin, J.-H. Chiang,
G.D. Volkova, A.Yu. Lupatov / September 2019 / Towards Automated Meta-Analysis
of Biomedical Texts in the Field of Cell-based Immunotherapy / Experimental Research / 2,3
Chia-Jung Yang, Jung-Hsien Chiang / December 2018 / Cateye: A Hint-Enabled Search Engine Framework for Biomedical Classification Systems / International Computer Symposium / 1013,758-763
RE Suvorov, Ya S Kim, AM Gisina, JH
Chiang, KN Yarygin, A Yu Lupatov / November 2018 / Surface Molecular Markers of
Cancer Stem Cells: Computation Analysis of Full-Text Scientific Articles / Bulletin
of Experimental Biology and Medicine / 166(1),135-140
Chia-Jung Yang, Jung-Hsien Chiang /
October 2018 / Gene Ontology Concept Recognition Using Named Concept:
Understanding the Various Presentations of the Gene Functions in Biomedical
Literature / Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation / bay115
Kun-Hsing Yu, Tsung-Lu Michael Lee,
Yu-Ju Chen, Christopher Ré, Samuel C Kou, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Michael Snyder,
Isaac S Kohane / August 2018 / A Cloud-Based Metabolite and Chemical
Prioritization System for the Biology/Disease-Driven Human Proteome Project / Journal
of Proteome Research / 17(12),4345-4357
Jui-Hung Chang, Chen-En Tsai,
Jung-Hsien Chiang / July 2018 / Using Heterogeneous Social Media as Auxiliary
Information to Improve Hotel Recommendation Performance / IEEE Access / 6,42647-42660
Yu Kun-Hsing, Lee Tsung-Lu Michael,
Wang Chi-Shiang, Chen Yu-Ju, Re Christopher, Kou Samuel C., Chiang Jung-Hsien*,
Kohane Isaac S., Snyder Michael / April 2018 / Systematic Protein
Prioritization for Targeted Proteomics Studies through Literature Mining / Journal
of Proteome Research / 17(4),1383-1396
Hsih-Te Yang, Jiun-Huang Ju, Yue-Ting
Wong, Ilya Shmulevich, Jung-Hsien Chiang / May 2017 / Literature-Based Discovery
of New Candidates for Drug Repurposing / Briefings in Bioinformatics / 18(3),488-497
YS, Kaidina AM, Chiang JH, Yarygin KN, Lupatov AY / January 2017 / Cancer Stem Cell
Molecular Markers Verified in vivo / Biochemistry Moscow-Supplement Series B-Biomedical Chemistry / 11(1),43-54
Hung Shan, Li Min-Shan, Chen Yen-Lin, Chiang Jung-Hsien, Chen Ying-Yeh,
Hung Galen Chin-Lun / October 2016 / Smartphone-Based Ecological Momentary
Assessment for Chinese Patients with Depression: An Exploratory Study in Taiwan
/ Asian Journal of Psychiatry / 23,131–136
Yang HT, Yang H, Chiang JH, Wang SJ /
October 2016 / Translating Genomic Sequences into Antibody Efficacy and Safety
Against Influenza toward Clinical Trial Outcomes: A Case Study / Drug Discovery Today / 21(10),1664-1671
Galen Chin-Lun Hung, Pei-Ching Yang,
Chia-Chi Chang, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Ying-Yeh Chen / July 2016 / Predicting
Negative Emotions Based on Mobile Phone Usage Patterns: An Exploratory Study / JMIR
Research Protocols / 5(3),e160
YS Kim, AM Kaidina, JH Chiang, KN
Yarygin, A Yu Lupatov / March 2016 / Molecular Markers of Cancer Stem Cells
Verified in Vivo / Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya / 62(3),228-38
Hung G.Chin-Lun, Li MS, Chen YL,
Chiang JH / March 2016 / Capturing Depression with Your Smartphone: Validity
and Utilization of iHOPE for Depressed Patients in Taiwan / European Psychiatry
/ 33,S283
Wen-Chieh Fang, Huan-Jui Chang, Chen Yang, Hsih-Te Yang, Jung-Hsien
Chiang / December 2015 / A Boosting Approach for Predicting Slope of ALS / F1000Research
/ https://doi.org/10.7490/f1000research.1111120.1
WS Cheng, JH Chiang / January 2015 / Analysis
of Prognostic Marker Panel for High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer through
Age-Dependent DNA Methylation. J Phylogen Evolution Biol. 3: 153 / These
Results also Indicated that Our Method Reliably Extracted Age-Dependent Markers
with the Potential to Consider Further Clinical Testing / DOI:10.4172/2329-9002.1000153
Jung-Hsien Chiang, Jiun-Huang Ju /
December 2014 / Discovering Novel Protein-protein Interactions by Measuring the
Protein Semantic Similarity from the Biomedical Literature / Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology / 12(6),SI
Jung-Hsien Chiang, Pei-Ching Yang,
Hsuan Tu / August 2014 / Pattern Analysis in Daily Physical Activity Data for
Personal Health Management / Pervasive and mobile computing / 13,13-25
Yuqing Mao, Kimberly Van Auken,
Donghui Li, Cecilia N Arighi, Peter McQuilton, G Thomas Hayman, Susan Tweedie,
Mary L Schaeffer, Stanley JF Laulederkind, Shur-Jen Wang, Julien Gobeill,
Patrick Ruch, Anh Tuan Luu, Jung-jae Kim, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Yu-De Chen,
Chia-Jung Yang, Hongfang Liu, Dongqing Zhu, Yanpeng Li, Hong Yu, Ehsan
Emadzadeh, Graciela Gonzalez, Jian-Ming Chen, Hong-Jie Dai, Zhiyong L / August
2014 / Overview of the Gene Ontology Task at BioCreative IV / Database-The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation / 25(2014),bau086
Jennifer M Holden, Ludek Koreny,
Samson Obado, Alexander V Ratushny, Wei-Ming Chen, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Steven
Kelly, Brian T Chait, John D Aitchison, Michael P Rout, Mark C Field / May 2014
/ Nuclear Pore Complex Evolution: a Trypanosome Mlp Analogue Functions in
Chromosomal Segregation but Lacks Transcriptional Barrier Activity / Molecular
biology of the cell / 25(9),1421-1436
Jung-Hsien Chiang, Wan-Shu Cheng,
Leroy Hood, and Qiang Tian / May 2014 / An Epigenetic Biomarker Panel for
Glioblastoma Multiforme Personalized Medicine through DNA Methylation Analysis
of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-like Signature / OMICS: A Journal of Integrative
Biology / 18(5),310-323
Pei-Ching Yang, Chia-Chi Chang,
Yen-Lin Chen, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Galen Chin-Lun Hung / April 2014 / Portable
Assessment of Emotional Status and Support System / International Conference on
Health Information Science / 8423,175-183
Jung-Hsien Chiang , Lin Chan-Hsien /
March 2014 / NCS: Incorporating Positioning Data to Quantify Nucleosome
Stability in Yeast / Bioinformatics / 30(6),761-767
Samuel A. Danziger, Alexander V. Ratushny, Jennifer J. Smith,
Ramsey A. Saleem, Yakun Wan, Christina E. Arens, Abraham M. Armstrong,
Katherine Sitko, Wei-Ming Chen, Jung-Hsien Chiang, David J. Reiss, Nitin S. Baliga, John D. Aitchison / Februery 2014 / Molecular
Mechanisms of System Responses to Novel Stimuli are Predictable from Public
Data / Nucleic Acids Research / 42(3),1442-1460
Cheng, Wan-Shu, Chiang, Jung-Hsien /
December 2013 / CGPredictor: A Systematic Integrated Analytic Tool for Mining
and Examining Genome-scale Cancer Independent Prognostic Epigenetic Marker
Panels / BMC Systems Biology / 7(6),S10
Wei-Ming Chen, Samuel A Danziger,
Jung-Hsien Chiang, John D Aitchison / October 2013 / PhosphoChain: A Novel
Algorithm to Predict Kinase and Phosphatase Networks from High-throughput
Expression Data / Bioinformatics / 29(19),2435-44
Tsunglin Liu, Cheng-Hung Tsai, Wen-Bin
Lee, Jung-Hsien Chiang / July 2013 / Optimizing Information in
Next-Generation-Sequencing (NGS) Reads for Improving De Novo Genome Assembly / PLoS
ONE / 8(7),e69503
Chiang JH, Chang DTH, Kao HY / April
2013 / Introduction to the 23rd International Conference on Genome Informatics
(GIW2012) / Gene / 518(1),1-1特刊: SI
Van de Vosse DW, Wan Y, Lapetina DL,
Chen WM, Chiang JH, Aitchison JD, Wozniak RW / February 2013 / A Role for the
Nucleoporin Nup170p in Chromatin Structure and Gene Silencing / Cell / 152(5),969-983
Lee TLM, Chiang JH / November 2012 / A
Systems Biology Approach to Solving the Puzzle of Unknown Genomic Gene-Function
Association Using Grid-Ready SVM Committee Machines / IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine / 7(4),46-54
Chang, DTH, Ke, CH, Lin JH, Chiang JH
/ 2012 / AutoBind: Automatic Extraction of Protein-Ligand Binding Affinity Data
from Biological Literature / Bioinformatics / 28(16),2162-2168
Wan Yakuna, Chen Weimingb, Xing Jiec, Tan Jinyina, Li Binga, Chen Huiyinga,
Lin Zhanxianb, Chiang Jung-Hsienb, Saleem Ramsey A.d / October 2011 / Erratum:
Transcriptome Profiling Reveals a Novel Role for Trichostatin A in Antagonizing
Histone Chaperone Chz1 Mediated Telomere Anti-Silencing / FEBS Letters / 585(19),31463
Lin JW, Chang CH,
Lin MW, Ebell, MH, Chiang JH / August 2011 / Automating the
Process of Critical Appraisal and Assessing the Strength of Evidence with
Information Extraction Technology / Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice
/ 17(4),832-838
Yakun Wan ,Weiming Chen, Jie Xing,
Jinyin Tan, Bing Li, Huiying Chen, Zhanxian Lin, Jung- Hsien Chiang, Saleem
Ramsey / August 2011 / Transcriptome Profiling Reveals a Novel Role for
Trichostatin A in Antagonizing Histone Chaperone Chz1 Mediated Telomere
Anti-Silencing / FEBS Letters / 585(15),2519-2525
Chiang JH,Liu HH, Huang YT / April
2011 / Condensing Biomedical Journal Texts through Paragraph Ranking / Bioinformatics / 27(8),1143-1149
Chao SY, Chiang JH, Huang AM, Chang WS
/ March 2011 / An Integrative Approach to Identifying Cancer
Chemoresistance-Associated Pathways / BMC Medical GenomicEDICAL GENOMICS / 4,23
Yeh CY, Shin SM, Yeh HH, Wu TJ, Shin
JW, Chang TY, Raghavaraju G, Lee CT, Chiang JH, Tseng VS, Lee YCG, Shen CH,
Chow NH, Liu HS / April 2011 / Transcriptional Activation of the Axl and
PDGFR-Alpha by C-Met through a Ras- and Src-Independent Mechanism in Human
Bladder Cancer / BMC Cancer / 11,139
Yang Pei-Chinga,Chiang
Jung-Hsiena,Liu Jen-Chub,Wen
Yi-Lunc,Chuang Kuo-Yuc / December 2010 / An efficient Cloud for Wellness Self-Management Devices and Services
/ Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary
Computing, ICGEC 2010 / 767-770
Michael T-L Lee, Jimmy J-M Su,
Chi-Rong Li, Patrick Y-W Chu, Ming-Sheng Liu, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Kelvin K-C
Tsai, Kok-Tong Tan / October 2010 / Gene Expression Signatures Associated with
Protracted Stromal Responses to Therapeutically Relevant Cytotoxic Stimuli
Predict Breast Cancer Chemoresponsiveness / Clinical Cancer Research / 16
Chiang JH, Lin JW, Yang CW / May 2010
/ Automated Evaluation of Electronic Discharge Notes to Assess Quality of Care
for Cardiovascular Diseases Using Medical Language Extraction and Encoding
System (MedLEE) / Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association / 17(3),245-252
Wan YK, Chiang JH, Lin CH, Arens CE,
Saleem RA, Smith JJ , Aitchison JD / March 2010 / Histone Chaperone Chz1p
Regulates H2B Ubiquitination and Subtelomeric Anti-silencing / Nucleic Acids Research / 38(5),1431-1440
Cheng LH, Lu W, Kulkarni B, Pejovic T,
Yan, XW, Chiang JH, Hood L, Odunsi K,
Lin BY / March 2010 / Analysis of Chemotherapy Response Programs in Ovarian
Cancers by the Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies / Gynecologic Oncology /
Shih-Yi Chao; Jung-Hsien Chiang /
October 2009 / Reconstruct Feedback Control of Cell Cycle-Regulated Networks of
the Yeast by Neural Network Computing / 2006 International Conference on
Computing & Informatics / 5276483
Yung-Chun Chang, Pei-Ching Yang,
Jung-Hsien Chiang / September 2009 / Ontology-Based Intelligent Web Mining
Agent for Taiwan Travel / 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on
Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology / 3,421-424
Jung-Hsien Chiang / September 2009 / Tech-Ware:
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Resources [Best of the Web] / IEEE
Signal Processing Magazine / 26(5),153-158
Hao PY, Chiang JH, Lin YH / 2009 / A
New Maximal-margin Spherical-Structured Multi-class Support Vector Machine / Applied Intelligence / 30(2) 98-111
Wan YK, Saleem RA, Ratushny AV, Roda
O, Smith JJ 1, Lin CH, Chiang JH, Aitchison JD / 2009 / Role of the Histone
Variant H2A.Z/Htz1p in TBP Recruitment, Chromatin Dynamics, and Regulated
Expression of Oleate-Responsive Genes / Molecular and Cellular Biology / 29(9),2346-2358
Majetl R, Becker MW, Tian Q, Lee TLM,
Yan XW, Liu R, Chiang JH, Hood L, Clarke MF, Weissman IL / March 2009 / Dysregulated
Gene Expression Networks in Human Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Stem Cells / Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America / 106(9),3396-3401
Chiang JH, Ho SH, Wang WH / October
2008 / Similar Genes Discovery System (SGDS): Application for Predicting
Possible Pathways by Using GO Semantic Similarity Measure / Expert Systems with Applications / 35(3),1115-1121
Chiang JH, Lee TLM / August 2008 / In
Silico Prediction of Human Protein Interactions Using Fuzzy-SVM Mixture Models
and Its Application to Cancer Research / IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems / 16(4),1087-1095
Hao PY, Chiang JH / April 2008 / Fuzzy Regression Analysis by Support Vector Learning Approach / IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems / 16(2),428-441
Chiang JH, Ho SH / March 2008 / A
Combination of Rough-Based Feature Selection and RBF Neural Network for Classification
Using Gene Expression Data / IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience / 7(1),91-99
Yin ZX, Chiang JH / January 2008 / Novel
Algorithm for Coexpression Detection in Time-Varying Microarray Data Sets / IEEE-ACM
Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics / 5(1),120-135
Chiang JH, Yin ZX / November 2007 / Unsupervised
Minor Prototype Detection Using an Adaptive Population Partitioning Algorithm /
Pattern Recognition Attern Recognition / 40(11),3132-3145
Chiang JH, Liu HS, Chao SY, Chen CY / November
2007 / Discovering Gene-Gene Relations from Sequential Sentence Patterns in
Biomedical Literature / Expert Systems with Applications / 33(4),1036-1041
Hao PY, Chiang JH, Tu YK / October
2007 / Hierarchically SVM Classification Based on Support Vector Clustering
Method and Its Application to Document Categorization / Expert Systems with Applications / 33(3),627-635
Hao PY, Chiang JH / March 2007 / A
Fuzzy Model of Support Vector Regression Machine / International Journal of Fuzzy Systems / 9(1)45-50
Chiang JH, Chao SY / March 2007 / Modeling
Human Cancer-Related Regulatory Modules by GA-RNN Hybrid Algorithms / BMC
Bioinfoamatics / 8,91
Hao PY, Chiang JH / August 2006 / Pruning
and Model-Selecting Algorithms in the RBF Frameworks Constructed by Support
Vector Learning / International Journal of Neural Systems / 16(4),283-293
Chiang JH, Shin JW, Liu HH, Chin CL / August
2006 / GeneLibrarian: An Effective Gene-Information Summarization and
Visualization System / BMC Bioinformatics / 7,392
Chiang JH, Yu HC / August 2005 / Literature
Extraction of Protein Functions Using Sentence Pattern Mining / IEEE
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering / 17(8),1088-1098
Chiang JH, Yue SH, Yin ZX / April 2004
/ A New Fuzzy Cover Approach to Clustering / IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems / 12(2),199-208
Chiang JH, Chen YC / March 2004 / An
Intelligent News Recommender Agent for Filtering and Categorizing Large Volumes
of Text Corpus / International Journal of Intelligent Systems / 19(3),201-216
Chiang JH, Hao PY / February 2004 / Support
Vector Learning Mechanism for Fuzzy Rule-based Modeling: A New Approach / IEEE
Transactions on Fuzzy Systems / 12(1),1-12
Chiang JH, Yu HC, Hsu HJ / January
2004 / GIS: A Biomedical Text-mining System for Gene Information Discovery / Bioinfoamatics/ 20(1),120-121
Pei-Chen Tsai, Tsung-Hua Lee, Kun-Chi Kuo, Fang-Yi Su, Tsung-Lu Michael Lee, Eliana Marostica, Tomotaka Ugai,
Melissa Zhao, Mai Chan Lau, Juha P Väyrynen, Marios Giannakis, Yasutoshi Takashima, Seyed Mousavi Kahaki, Kana
Wu, Mingyang Song, Jeffrey A Meyerhardt, Andrew T Chan, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Jonathan Nowak, Shuji Ogino, Kun-
Hsing Yu/ Apr 2023 / Histopathology Images Predict Multi-Omics Aberrations and Prognoses in Colorectal Cancer
Patients / Nature Communications / 14(1),2102
Cong Phuoc Phan, Jung Hsien Chiang / December 2022 / COVID-19 Deep Clustering: An Ontology
Constructionclustering Method with Dynamic Medical Labeling / The 11th International Symposium on Information
and Communication Technology / 4(10),795734
Yu Wen Fang, Fang-Yi Su, Jung-Hsien Chiang / July 2022 / Position Classifier: Rethinking Position Encoding on Chest
X-ray Diseases Identification / Medical Imaging with
Deep Learning 2022 Conference Short
Hsin-Hsiung Chang, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Cheng-Chung Chu / July 2021 / Data-Driven Generation of Medical-Research
Hypotheses in Cancer Patients / 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference
(COMPSAC) / 626-631
Chi-Shiang Wang, Hung-Chun Chne, Jung-Hsien Chiang / November 2019 / Discovering What You Cared by
Intelligent Recommender System / 2019 International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial
Intelligence (TAAI) / 19279541
Chi-Shiang Wang, Jung-Hsien Chiang / June 2019 / FuzzAttention on Session-Based Recommender System /
2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) / 2019,8858856
Wen-Chieh Fang, Meng-Che Hsieh, Pei-Ching Yang, Wen-Gan Li, Ching-Ju Chiu, Jung-Hsien Chiang / December
2015 / iDianNao: An Orange Technology that Recommends Volunteer Opportunities to Older Adults / 2015 International
Conference on Orange Technologies (ICOT) / 38-41
Galen Chin-Lun Hung, Pei-Ching Yang, Chen-Yi Wang, Jung-Hsien Chiang / December 2015 / A Smartphone-Based
Personalized Activity Recommender System for Patients with Depression / Proceedings of the 5th EAI International
Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and
Healthcare / 253-257
Yu-De Chen, Juin-Huang Ju, Ming-Yu Chien, Yu-Cheng Sheng, Tsung-Lu Lee, Jung-Hsien Chiang / September 2015 /
CoTri: Extracting Chemical-Disease Relations with Co-Reference Resolution and Common Trigger Words / Proceedings
of the Fifth BioCreative Challenge Evaluation
Workshop / 286-291
Wen-Chieh Fang, Pei-Ching Yang, Meng-Che Hsieh, Jung-Hsien Chiang / January 2015 / iDianNao: Recommending
Volunteer Opportunities to Older Adults / International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications
of Applied Intelligent Systems /
Jiun-Huang Ju, Yu-De Chen, Jung-Hsien Chiang / April 2012 / DrTW: A Biomedical Term Weighting Method for
Recommendation / 2012 BioCreative Workshop / 45
Chao-Hsuan Ke, Tsung-Lu Michael Lee, Jung-Hsien Chiang/ April 2012 / C2HI: a Complete Chemical Information
Decision System / 2012 BioCreative Workshop / 52
Heng-Hui Liu, Yi-Ting Huang, Jung-Hsien Chiang / December 2010 / A study on Paragraph Ranking and
Recommendation by Topic Information Retrieval from Biomedical Literature / 2010 International Computer Symposium
(ICS2010) / 2010,859-864
Wei-Ming Chen, I-Lin Wu, Jung-Hsien Chiang, Pei-Yi Hao / July 2010 / Prediction of subcelluar localization using
maximal-margin spherical support vector machine / 2010 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics
/ 3,1476-1481
Shih-Yi Chao, Jung-Hsien Chiang / June 2006 / Reconstruct Feedback Control of Cell Cycle-Regulated Networks of the Yeast by Neural Network Computing / 2006 International Conference on Computing & Informatics / 10975495
Chiang JH, Shin JW, Liu HH, Chin CL / April 2006 / Patterns Discovery on Complex Diagnosis and Biological Data
Using Fuzzy
Latent Variables / 2007 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering
/ 576-585
Mining Approaches / Proc BioCreAtIvE Challenge Evaluation Workshop / 10024688058
計畫名稱 | 起迄日期 | 補助單位 |
開發一個從普適性標注到具終身學習能力之原創AI工作流程指引II(1/2) | 2023-2025 | 科技部 |
以新穎性隱空間注意力擴散模型導入於影像導航放射治療錐狀射束電腦斷層掃描及其在影像品質改善之應用 | 2023-2025 | 科技部 |
基於卷積式不確定性注意力模塊之對比式深度學習框架在早期肺癌病癥偵測系統之開發 | 2021 ~ 2023 | 科技部 |
開發一個從普適性標注到具終身學習能力之原創AI工作流程指引 | 2021 ~ 2023 | 科技部 |
互動智慧型機器人改善防疫流程 | 2020 ~ 2021 | 科技部 |
建置一個具多層次學習能力的居家照護機器人之後端推論機制--以銀髮族與糖尿病患者之陪伴與照護實證 | 2018 ~ 2020 | 科技部 |
銀髮族口語互動式居家陪伴及推薦系統 | 2018 ~ 2020 | 科技部 |
建置一個應用深度遞歸神經網絡及語意分析技術於異質性社群網路巨量資料 之智慧型推薦系統 | 2017 ~ 2018 | 科技部 |
以生物資訊技術為基礎之高通量流式細胞術定量分析法找出癌症幹細胞表面生物標記 | 2015 ~ 2017 | 科技部 |
建置典範校園綠能機房及雲端化運算管理之研究 | 2015 ~ 2017 | 科技部 |
建立一個新型巨量生醫資料之語意網路查詢分析法及其在藥物重新定位之研究(103-2221-E-006-254-MY2) | 2014 ~ 2015 | 科技部 |
設計及實作一個創新型銀髮族「友善行動資訊」之社群平台 | 2014 ~ 2015 | 科技部 |
發展一個新穎之次世代定序技術應用於基因功能註解與分析整合平臺 | 2013 ~ 2014 | 國科會 |
勸誘式個人化即時回饋運動處方之研究-勸誘式個人化即時回饋運動處方之研究 | 2010 ~ 2013 | 國科會 |
勸誘式個人化即時回饋運動處方之研究-智慧型知識探勘技術與模糊推論機制於個人化運動處方之建立 | 2010 ~ 2013 | 國科會 |
以自動知識擷取為基礎之計算功能性蛋白質體學 | 2009 ~ 2012 | 國科會 |
實作一個以GO概念模型為計算核心之生物反應路徑預測系統 | 2008 ~ 2009 | 國科會 |
建構一個分析少量候選基因群間關聯模組知識之生物資訊註解平 | 2006 ~ 2008 | 國科會 |
系統化建立基因調控模組網路及其應用在環境毒物基因體資料庫之知識擷取機制實作 | 2007 ~ 2008 | 國科會 |
具意圖分析之醫療資訊QA問答引擎研發與實作 | 2006 ~ 2007 | 國科會 |
建構一個知識探勘生物資訊平台及蛋白質註解加值資料庫 | 2005 ~ 2006 | 國科會 |
建構一個生物資訊分析工具--智慧型基因function註解系統 (2) | 2004 ~ 2005 | 國科會 |
智慧型數位生活機能支持系統技術研究 | 2002 ~ 2004 | 國科會 |
建構一個生物資訊分析工具--智慧型基因function註解系統 (1) | 2003 ~ 2004 | 國科會 |
以生物資訊方法搜尋砷相關膀胱癌之表現型錄及確認新穎之指標因子 (2) | 2004 ~ 2004 | 國科會 |
以生物資訊方法搜尋砷相關膀胱癌之表現型錄及確認新穎之指標因子(1) | 2002 ~ 2003 | 國科會 |
智慧型生物資訊平台架構及其在大量醫學文件中知識擷取之研究 | 2002 ~ 2003 | 國科會 |
智慧型文件探勘技術及其在大量新聞文件中事件擷取之應用 | 2001 ~ 2002 | 國科會 |
智慧型網際網路寬頻社區多媒體資訊伺服系統之研發(3) | 2001 ~ 2002 | 國科會 |
以網路介面整合式單核甘酸多型性查詢系統及快速發展SNP的生物方法 | 2000 ~ 2001 | 國科會 |
智慧型網際網路寬頻社區多媒體資訊伺服系統之研發(2) | 2000 ~ 2001 | 國科會 |
資訊採擷支援建築設計協同作業之合作式設計決策研究 | 2000 ~ 2000 | 國科會 |
智慧型網際網路寬頻社區多媒體資訊伺服系統之研發(1) | 1999 ~ 2000 | 國科會 |
模糊積分器之混合模式探討 | 1998 ~ 1999 | 國科會 |
計畫名稱 | 起迄日期 | 補助單位 |
運用人工智慧技術建構胸腔X光影像偵測疑似癌症病灶模型 | 2021 ~ 2021 | 衛生福利部中央健保署 |
農業統計行銷資訊網 | 2014 ~ 2014 | 行政院農業委員會 |
於行動裝置開發一個焦慮情緒早期偵測系統 | 2014 ~ 2014 | 台達電子股份有限公司 |
建立一個世界級之巨量生醫資料(Big Biodata)合作研究平台 | 2014 ~ 2014 | 教育部 |
教育部南部雲端資料中心建置計畫 | 2013 ~ 2014 | 教育部 |
生物危害物質之公共衛生風險評估與風險管理研究 | 2005 ~ 2006 | 衛生署疾管局 |
全球學術研究網路-網路安全、不當資訊防制及商業機制規劃服務 | 2002 ~ 2002 | 國家高速電腦中心 |
台灣學術網路上不當資訊之智慧型搜尋與過濾機制 | 2001 ~ 2002 | 教育部 |
台灣學術網路上不當資訊之過濾與防制研究 | 2001 ~ 2002 | 教育部 |